Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 21 The Grand Restaurant 2

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LiMingHu entered the restaurant and Philip Huang was still there, sitting and he surprised to see the beast back. He laughed sarcastically to him,

"What makes you come here? To beat me again? I still not suing you yet for the a.s.sault in public!!"

Although LiMingHu still felt rage and want to beat Philip Huang again he held it as best as he could. He just pa.s.sed him by like nothing and it p.i.s.sed Philip Huang,

"Stop right there or I will..."

"What will you do?" A calm but cold voice from his back which startled him coz Philip Huang knew well the voice. He turned in fear,

"Grand...Grandpa, what are you doing here?" Philip Huang's grandpa or also be known as Uncle Sam by TianTian before stared sharply to Philip in his wheelchair, he came accompanied by his secretary lady.

"The right question is what are you doing here?!"

President HuangLuiSam is the person who Philip Huang scare the most for he is the head of Huang Family, the most wealthy and powerful man. Making him angry can make Philip Huang lost his inheritance right later.

'S***, I know that LiMingHu has a meeting here, but I never thought that he is meeting Grandpa...'

"It's nothing, Grandpa...I just finished my lunch..."

"Well, then?" President Sam still looked at him.

"I...I am leaving now...." Philip Huang bows politely and then leave the restaurant immediately. In his mind, he still wondering what kind of meeting LiMingHu has with his grandpa?

'I must find out it soon...'

After Philip Huang went, LiMingHu politely greeted President Sam and his secretary. By raising his hand, the secretary lady understood and left both them alone.

"Please forgive my stupid grandson, Ming Er if he did anything make you unpleased"

"It's fine..." LiMingHu answered shortly. LiMingHu called the servant to come and ordered food for President Sam while he just ordered a cup of coffee.

"Not having the appet.i.te I see, huh?" asked President Sam. LiMingHu didn't answer it, he just smiled in cold. President Sam observed the lips and continue saying,

"Is it because of that small bitten wound?"

He showed the wound position by gesturing his finger to his own mouth.

LiMingHu touched his lips,

"It just a small wound...I got it accidentally"

"What happened? Is it bitten by a wild cat?" President Sam said in a teasing tone, but his eyes weren't teasing him but glanced to him sharply.

"..." LiMingHu doesn't have any mood to answer it. He just drinks.

"It's nothing..."

President Sam stares sadly to LiMingHu,

"Playing with a sweet cat is always a pleasure...but don't take it too seriously you might hurt by that sweet cat..."

LiMingHu stares back to President Sam,

"I'll keep those words in my mind"

President Sam takes a sip and smiles to him,

"I know you won't disappointing this old man...and my beloved ShuShu..."

Hearing the name made LiMingHu felt guilty as usual,

" ShuShu?" he asked softly.

"She is know, she is so stubborn...still resting as long as she wants..." President Sam chuckled although his eyes didn't laugh.

"You don't come visiting her lately..."Find the right time to come and visit her, she will happy to see you..."

"I will..."

The food was served, the simple dishes shows that despite his great position, President Sam's appet.i.te is as humble as commoners.

"Let's talk about other about your works lately...?"

and their conversation turned to be business talk. Not many people know President Sam is the power behind the great Li Company. After his parents pa.s.sed away, President Sam had helped LiMingHu to gain his position till right now. He could be described as LiMingHu's savior for what he has now. President Sam is also the old friend of LiMingHu's grandmother.

While TianTian who arrived at Li Mansion, immediately go to her room, ignoring Aunt Ma who confused with the view but she somehow could guessed something bad must be happened. She decided to make some warm alcoholic drink to calm TianTian.

In the room, TianTian couldn't hold her tears again, despite felt sad, she more felt angry to herself, why she was so weak? Letting him did anything he wanted to her. LiMingHu's anger reminded her that he was indeed a beast, treating her like his belongings...she must leave him before too late...

Minutes later Aunt Ma came delivers the warm tea. Touching with Aunt Ma's kindness, TianTian threw her upset feeling to Aunt Ma,

"Aunt me..I want to leave here...I don't want to be here anymore..."

Aunt Ma knew she couldn't do that, so she just hugged TianTian like a mother calms her daughter,

"Sst...don't think about it right can't leave in this condition...calm down, you need to be strong first..."

Aunt Ma took the cup and served it to TianTian,

"Now just drink and sleep..everything will be better when you wake up...."

TianTian obeyed, she was also tired...she drank and tried to sleep... Aunt Ma put the blanket on her, and keep watched her till TianTian really fell asleep, patted her shoulders gently.

"Poor girl...Young Master must be rough to her, he shouldn't do that...both of you are too pity..."

At evening, LiMingHu returned. He asked Aunt Ma where TianTian was. Aunt Ma looks to LiMingHu sadly, boldly she spoke out her mind,

"Young should be more gentle to that girl...she is exhausted..."

LiMingHu surprised a little bit to hear Aunt Ma dared to comment like that.

He then entered the room where TianTian still felt asleep. But in her sleep, she seemed dreamed and crying in her dream, she even mumbled in her dream,


LiMingHu moves closer to her, he wipes tears from her face,

'Did I do too far?...But you're the one who make me mad like crazy, little rabbit....What should I do so you won't run away from me?"

LiMingHu sighed, he removes his tie and then slowly lays himself beside TianTian, he hugged TianTian and in reflex TianTian turns around and lays on LiMingHu's chest. LiMingHu hugged her closely and then kissed her forehead, whispers to her softly,

"Let's just sleep, little rabbit...I am with you sleep well.."

Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 21 The Grand Restaurant 2

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Mr Lion, Please Divorce Me 21 The Grand Restaurant 2 summary

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