New Freshmen At Summoner High 6 The Results Of A Parting Gif

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All it took was twenty seconds for the yard to turn into an overgrown wild land. Kaden could not believe his eyes. The world before him had changed so drastically. "Haha, I see it work. I'll take care of the yard." Chad said in his happy voice. He quickly opened his book and summon in a small herd of goats.

At his son's dismay look he could only say "What these goats are the same breed as the goats that pull thors chariot. They will make fast work of that gra.s.s. Grandma Mai can you help Lisa pluck some of those fruits before my herd gets to them." True to his word his father herd took care of the yard returning it back to its prior state. The ripe vegetables and some of the fruits were the only things the ravenous goats spared.

Gigi and his mother made quick work of the ripe food storing them way in their own storage devices. "I'm glad we put that barrier up if not I think we would have made the six o'clock news," Lisa said with a grin. Granda Mia Kadens Gigi also nodded in agreement before she asked "So, Brat what special summons did you get from that compress nature star gem. Before you ask your silly questions yes it really was a star. If that gem cracked well say goodbye to all of us here and this planet to boot."

Gigi truly scary was the only thing that Kaden could think of before he opened his grimoire. His book did have a new entry on the fourth page. A picture of a woman with long golden hair that touched the floor. In her one hand, she had a watering can and in the other a gardening spade. She looked like an exotic European model with emerald green eyes. She was dress in a white spring dress. Her feet were bare and seem to sink to the earth as if she had taken root. Green plants filled the background. Under the picture was some text that read:

Guardian Summons: The Gardener

Name: None

Approval Rating: Dislike Summoner (If not for the blessing she would flat out hate the summoner.) 0%, (+20%)

Rank: 102nd Stars of Destiny.

Chant: Bound by earth, ground in fate. Star of life, The Gardener I summon thy.


Natures Call: Able to command all plant life to obey orders.

Regenerate: A consistent ability to heal oneself at the cost of sprite energy.

Rapid Growth: Able to accelerate plant growth at the cost of spirit energy.

???: Locked

???: Locked

The True Story: Born an orphan during a warring era. She had to struggle for survival at a young age. The Gardener learned to befriend plant life as a means to escape the cruelty of the world. It was after all plants sustained her life. Once she had a friend but that friend stole from her and brought ruin to her garden. The power of life is so strong in her that the next day after her friend and ran away she awoke to find that no harm had been done to her garden. Grief-stricken at the loss of her only friend this poor girl forgot how to use her own voice. Untrusting of strangers unwilling to befriend anyone other than mother nature herself.

As Kaden read the description he was troubled by what he found. "Gigi should the star follow the mythos of the Water-Margin Chronicles," he asked. Grandma Mia quickly went to Kaden side to review his new contract.

"That's quite interesting, Kaden it looks like you have a alter mythos. who knows when it changed to this but in the realm of infinite possibilities this is one. At least, your summons is not that old cannibal thief and her abilities are strong. Even better is that you don't even need to summon that poor girl to use them. I'm guessing you have to gain her favor in order to unlock the last two skills. I recommend you wait till you're in school for the teachers there to guide you before you attempt to summon her. Beside the Mythos teachers probably have a better idea than I. Yes its best you wait till then to summon her." Gigi said in a stern voice.

Kaden notices she repeated herself three times about not summoning his guardian sprite. It shot up a red flag in his head faster than anything his parents could do. As much as he feared his Gigi he respected her the most.

At his Grandma Mia direction, Kaden quickly learned how to use his new skills. rose bushes and lives seem to be the ease to and faster for him to grown and command. Trees could wallop the ground with their branches but they were rooted so could not move that much. His mother quickly ran to the store and bought him some seeds for the rose bush and different ivy.

"Brat, I'm going to head back home if you need me to have your mother fetch me. OK," Grandma Mia said before being engulfed in a light that signaled she had just jumped. He had become accustomed of the grown-ups around him jumping to and fro. It was one of the abilities he was looking forward to learning.

Funny enough though to go to the school Kaden had to travel via a s.h.i.+p. He was excited since his parents told him it be a luxury liner and he had never gone on such a big boat before. His parents told him that the school was protected against jumping and even if it was not they did not have the ability to jump there. It raises more questions in Kaden's head but since he had never traveled alone before his excitement override his logic.

The week went by fast and Kaden found himself at a port in San Fransico. The largest s.h.i.+p he had ever seen sat before him. It made the boats at Navy Pier in Chicago look like dingies. "Well, there she is the Romanoff, one of a kind that s.h.i.+p is." Chad could not help tell his son. His mom and friends came to see him off. Grandma Mia was missing in action but he did not blame her. She did not like long goodbyes and Kaden knew it.

"Ok everybody I'm off. Tell Gigi bye for me," Kaden said as he headed down the ramp to the boarding section. Hundreds of kids were all in line getting ready to board. There was a total of sixteen lines. As the s.h.i.+p would drop off the kids to different schools. Kaden quickly found his spot which was for freshmen going to Edensburg. Every new freshman was either too excited at the prospects of the journey or nerves about what was to come next. Only a handful of kids like Kaden kept their cool.

Kaden quickly introduced himself to the group of kids that were next to him. Kaden wanted to break the ice and maybe help his fellow freshmen relax. In a quick moment, he made friends with three boys and a girl. One of the boys was actually from Africa and had a heavy British accent. His skin was dark as it could get and he was a fairly tall kid named Bisma. He was polite, kind, and love the NBA just as much as Kaden did. It did not take long before the two were in their own world talking sports.

Jason the second of the boys was from Austria and spoke slowly since English was still fairly new to him. Kaden being the genius that he was, knew how to speak German so the two bonded pretty fast. The last boy was an Asian that came from the Philippines he could speak perfect English as his family also lived in the states and he also likes sports. His name was Daniel and he was the more hyper one of the group.

The only girl in the group was a raven-haired, red-eyed la.s.s no taller then Kaden's chin. She was still very boyish in her figure. Her named Ash and yes it was just Ash as she had painfully explained to Kaden that she hated when people called her Ashley since it was not her name. The boy laugh when he got scolded for his slip but once the subject of NBA player got started Kaden found that Ash was a pretty cool girl. She liked all his favorite players. She also had a sharp mind as she could remember player stats as if she was reading it off a card.

Jason was the only one that did not care too much about Basketball but was more because of where he was from. With them chatting the time pa.s.s by fast and before they knew it they had boarded the s.h.i.+p. It turned out everybody had been prea.s.signed room according to their mythos so both Daniel and Kaden found themselves in the same room along with six other Asian descent kids.

New Freshmen At Summoner High 6 The Results Of A Parting Gif

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New Freshmen At Summoner High 6 The Results Of A Parting Gif summary

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