New Freshmen At Summoner High 7 A Really Long Trip

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The room was rather large as it held ten bunks that double as a seat. A flat-screen tv that hanging in mid-air at the back of the room was playing a how-to video along with explaining some of the rules of the s.h.i.+p. The tv was literally hovering in the air. It did not have any wires attached to it and it was paper thin. So far it was the most advanced technology Kaden had to witness since he learned of grimoires and magic.

The kids quickly got settled in their seats as a voice over the intercome bellowed out. "Here, Here This Be the Captin of this fine vessel you saps find yourself on. Now then we need all you whelps to buckle down. We be ready to set sail."

"As the captain has gracefully stated please be seated and follow the on-screen instruction as to avoid any harm you may incur during take off." A pleasant female voice announced. The contrast was not lost on Kaden and he could not help roll his eyes thinking. "Is every person gifted with magic weirdos?".

After a good minute delay, she spoke again. "For first years, please be warned when the s.h.i.+p moves out a sudden feeling of nausea might insue. Bags have been placed in the side pocket if need it. We advise all first years to use those bags. Any mess that you make will have to be clean up personally by the one who made said mess before disembarking is allowed."

Kaden took his bag out from the pocket before asking his group "Have any of you ever Jumped before? As in magically teleported to a different destination?" He waited to see if anybody had. Out of the group of eight kids, only Kaden and a little girl name Tomoyos.h.i.+ Hinata had experienced it. Hinata had pale green eyes also teal in color and light reddish brown hair and she was short. Other then her unique eyes and hair Hinata looked like the perfect Asian doll.

Kaden thought she might have been a grammar school student but shook the thought away. He knew that Edenburg would never allow someone in if they were not the correct age. If they did they why had he suffered at his Gigi's hands for that year? He looked at the rest and said "You all should grab that bag because it's not the most pleasant feeling you'll go through. I lost my lunch the first dozen time my Gigi made me jump with her. I'm still not sure if this trip will be worse then those time since this thing so huge." he pointed his finger at the floor of the s.h.i.+p as he finishes his peace.

As the lady's voice chime in once more, the walls and ceiling even spot on the floor seem to flicker. All that remain of the floor was a round disk that held all the student's seats in place. For the rest, it seemed that the outside view was being projected on its surface. Since they could not see the other rooms Kaden figured it was a view from around the whole s.h.i.+p. He could see the sky, the ocean around the s.h.i.+p and the dock that he had just been standing on when he left his parents just this morning. It was far in the distance now though. It seemed that as they were gitting conferable the s.h.i.+p had already set on it course.

"Be ready in Three, two, one" The lady counted down. At one the world around them changed twisting from a blue sky with white clouds and waves of ocean water to a void of nothingness.

It was the void between galaxies they were currently sailing threw. The trip to the galaxy they need to go to was two hours away at their current speed. The lady who happened to be the head stewardess had pointed out on the intercom. Kaden could not even comprehend how fast that was. Five more jumps were needed before they enter the system that house the different school.

The stewardess was kind enough to remind them that they should keep their bags handy until they arrived. Her helpers would be making rounds to the rooms to sell snacks and drinks. That they should remain seated as Dark s.p.a.ce could be unpredictable and might get a little ruff. Lucky for them each room had its own restroom.

Kaden was proud of Danil, Hinata and himself as they had somehow managed to not lose their breakfast. The other five kids were not as strong gut as the three but thanks to Kaden they did not make a big mess. He offered the other gum to help wash away their discomfort and gave Hinata and Danil some snacks he had stored in his belt. He told the other it probably was not wise to eat anything till they arrived at the academy since they had more jumps ahead.

"Kaden-san you are well prepared. Our father has talked about storage treasures before. It's surprised me that your family could afford one to give to you. You should not let any more people know you have one." Hinata said in j.a.panese as she had yet learned English. She spoke in a formal way. "Universal Translation, a hidden skill of all grimoire Right?" Daniel asked to which both Kaden and Hinata nodded yes to.

"Though I do know how to speak j.a.panese along with six other languages. I would get bored with mathematics and learning languages became kinda the second hobby. Plus if you know how to read different languages you can read many more different kinds of books. To be able to read any book regardless of how it's writing its a goal that should be everybody's goal. Threw reading understanding follows and if everybody can understand one another then maybe we don't have to fight over things." Kaden pa.s.sionately said as he pumped his fist in excitement.

The utter shock all six boys had on their face was comical to Hinata. She could not help but giggle. Hinata could not help but have a huge grin. She knew she found someone who shared the same hobby of reading as herself.

"Kaden-san, this j.a.panese folk tale book. It's yet to be published since my grandfather is the author. He gave me a copy as a parting gift. You can borrow it if you like." Hinata nervously asked as she took a book out of her backpack.

"Sure Hinata, I love to how about we trade. I have this book about urban myths in the Americas if you like to read it. Just touch it to your grimoire and it should translate it for you." Kaden countered full of gusto. A chance to read a yet published but was always something exciting to Kaden.

The two quickly settled down and started to read the books they traded. Kaden could not speed read Hinata book since it was written in j.a.panese. He would have to take his time with it to be able to understand it better. Luckily the granddaughter of the author was sitting next to him if he had any questions. He also had two hours to burn so reading the medium size book would fill that time perfectly.

The folk tale book turned out to be more about how those old folk tales have been incorporated into the modern day. Its influence they had in entertainment fields. In how the modern interpretations them effected creating alter mythos that could not be explained. That any creative medium could be used to that effect.

Mythos is created by the beliefs of the Movies, cartoon, books all served as a delivery system to power their imagination. That, in turn, gave birth to the different types of grimoires. As to how grimoires choose their host was still one of the universe greats mystery. Many believed it to be from a person lineage other chalked it up to simple luck.

Kaden was happy to learn a little bit more about his power. His Gigi explanations on the subject always left him with more question then answers. This book was different as it broke things down into simple to understand concepts.

He was so ingross in the book that he did not notice when the rest of his group started starting their luggage to disembark. Daniel had to tap him on the shoulder to let him know. They were lucky that they had very little to clean up in the room as n.o.body made any unneeded messes. Kaden's group was one of the first to exit the s.h.i.+p. What greeted them next was a mind-blowing scene.

New Freshmen At Summoner High 7 A Really Long Trip

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New Freshmen At Summoner High 7 A Really Long Trip summary

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