The Rain's Sorrowful Tale 1

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Many eons ago, there was once a small village that existed on the outskirts of a town. The village was known as, Hatazao. In that very village, there lived a young girl by the name of Vrochi. Vrochi was a delicate, pretty, young girl, and she was intelligent, too. Her long, amber, hair was always methodically brushed and it hung at her sides. She carried a faint smell of fresh strawberries.

Her face was pale and extraordinary with the slightest hint of a natural scarlet red dappled on her cheeks. Her eyes were a shade of gorgeous sapphire blue and they sparkled every time she laughed, which happened a lot. However, her beauty or her intelligence was not what was important. It was her astonis.h.i.+ng daily demeanor that mattered.

Vrochi was incredibly pure at heart and never seemed distressed. She had always been a humble child and obeyed her parents. Her kindness was quite well known in her small little village. Whenever Vrochi smiled, people would unexpectedly smile along with her, even if they were in an atrocious mood.

Although many idolized and cherished the girl, Vrochi had a single foe. Sunyx, the G.o.ddess of despair, was exceedingly jealous that a mortal girl would get so much attention and love for being kind-hearted. Sunyx had never felt any other emotion besides negativity and self-satisfaction.

The G.o.ddess took Vrochi's purity as an offense to her, and as a sign of her vulnerability. One night, while Vrochi was asleep, Sunyx transformed into an Apelpisia snake. She gingerly slithered into Vrochi's bed, and bit down on her wrist. Vrochi woke up and screamed in shock and agony.

She rubbed on her bruised wrist, but after a while, the pain ceased. Sunyx left the scene nimbly, quite contented with herself. Vrochi fell back onto her bed and eventually went back to a peaceful slumber. Little did she know, that it would be the last time she ever felt peace as a human.

The next morning, Vrochi awakened in a way she never had before. She s.h.i.+elded her eyes from the bright, burning sun and grumbled unhappily, "The sun is too bright for my liking." The entire day, Vrochi felt miserable. She felt as if her heart had sunk and would never float back up again. "This is an abhorrent world to live in." She muttered under her breath.

Her parents noticed her depressed behavior and tried desperately to coax her into being the Vrochi that she used to be. None of them knew that Sunyx had placed a tyrannical curse on her. She was never to be joyful again. The curse was unbreakable, even by Sunyx, herself. The worst thing was, Vrochi was not allowed to die. Vrochi was doomed to live an eternal life of anguish, bitterness, and sorrow.

Soon, Vrochi's misery spread to all those around her. The little village of Hatazao was stricken with sorrow. All the G.o.ds, except Sunyx, felt ever so pitiful for the innocent village. Eleos, the G.o.ddess of mercy and pity, felt the most pity for the people of Hatazao, and even more specifically, Vrochi.

Since Eleos did not have the power to break the curse, she instead found a way to bend it. She requested permission from Zeus, the ruler of the G.o.ds, and Gaea, the G.o.ddess of the Earth, to travel to the humans and aid them. Seeing that the mortals in the village were suffering to such a high degree, the G.o.ds agreed to the G.o.ddess's kind request.

One day, while Vrochi was sulking miserably in her room, she heard a rather rambunctious banging on the front door. Groggily, the young girl trudged over to answer the door. When she opened it, a gorgeous young woman was standing erectly before her.

She had dusty, blond hair that was beautifully placed in a bun. Her garments were made of silk and satin and she was dressed all in black. In her hair, were a variety of expensive jewels and stones. She looked extremely rich.

"h.e.l.lo." Vrochi's voice was taut and openly displayed her defiance. The woman did not seem to care. "Greetings," she simply nodded. There was a moment of muteness. The woman broke the silence by violently kicking on the side of the door frame.

"Well? Aren't you going to invite me inside, girl?" she demanded quite harshly. Something about her tone and her expression, made Vrochi suddenly cautious. "No…" Vrochi practically whispered. The woman glowered menacingly at her.

Vrochi held her face high up and spoke louder. "I said 'no,' miss." The woman shot her a dirty look but remained calm. "Think twice before you act, girl," the woman scowled at her but kept a steady voice. Vrochi did not feel the least bit intimidated.
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"I need no thinking, miss. It is you that needs to rethink, for you are forcing me to invite you into my house. " she did not hesitate to be impolite to this woman. After all, she was impolite first.

The woman slowly revealed a magnificent flower. It was an Omorfia flower! Omorfia flowers were terribly rare and they were said to only be found in large amounts on Mount Olympus. The flower was a radiant hue of violet purple, with lovely, patterned designs on the brims of the petals. Legend had it, only G.o.ds could touch it without getting poisoned.

They had a total of one hundred petals. "Based on the look plastered across your face, I shall a.s.sume that you know how rare this flower is," the woman smirked wickedly.

When Vrochi did not reply, the woman went on. "Perhaps it's time to properly introduce myself." Nonchalantly, the woman placed both hands on her face and murmured some words to herself. A bright light blinded Vrochi and all at once, the woman transformed into a G.o.ddess! Her robe remained the same, but her hair was loose and turned silky black and her lips were the color of a dark twilight. One of her eyes was a brilliant crimson red and the other was a vibrant color of jade green.

"I am Sunyx, the G.o.ddess of despair," her voice was deep and womanly. "For every petal that I pluck from this flower," she paused and let the atmosphere tighten with suspense. "Part of your village will burn to the ground," Sunyx grinned as Vrochi's expression converted from confusion to dismay. "I shall pluck a single petal every time you feel uncontrollable sorrow," Sunyx suddenly began to fade.

Vrochi was utterly perplexed. What had just happened? All of a sudden, Vrochi grew dizzy and nauseous. She fell to the floor with a boisterous 'thud!' The room began to spin. She shut her eyes and only when she felt the world cease spinning, did she open her eyes once more. She looked around her, but she couldn't see anything. The room was pitch black.

Vrochi twitched as she heard a pleading voice scream, "Help!" She couldn't focus ahead of her, due to the extreme darkness. The voice grew louder and louder as Vrochi stumbled around. 'I must be getting nearer,' Vrochi thought. She blinked once, then twice. Instantaneously, her mother appeared before her.

She was sobbing and shrieking in pain, for large of fire was quickly swallowing her. "Vrochi, help me! Quick! Please!" Vrochi gasped and covered her mouth. She couldn't move. "Mother!" she called as she desperately tried moving her feet. Vrochi felt tears streaming down her face. Sunyx's voice was whispering in her ear. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen..." The G.o.ddess let out a terrifying cackle.

Purple colored petals delicately floated to the floor. In the process, Sunyx trampled the petals until only a few tiny specks of it was left. Vrochi expeditiously wiped her tears away, but the sight of her mother rapidly being swallowed by the blazing, crimson fire, made more tears run down. She found that she could not look away.

Sunyx kept counting until she reached one hundred. A terrible scream shot through the air, followed by several other screams. Vrochi blinked and realized she was standing in front of her house now. Her village was burning before her very eyes. In a feeling of shock and grief, Vrochi fainted.

When she awoke, her village was burnt down and was in ruins. Vrochi knew in her heart that this was not an illusion like before. This was real. Everything was gone. Vrochi broke into uncontrollable weeping. "What is wrong with me?!" she shrieked to herself. A tender hand gently rested on her shoulder.

"Nothing is wrong with 'ye, child," a soft voice a.s.sured her. Vrochi jolted up and stared at an elderly woman dressed in a dark, shabby robe with an even darker, shabbier cloak. Her face was old and wrinkled with a small amount of rosy red makeup on her old, drooping cheeks. Her arms were pale and skinny, but her body was quite plump. It was not a pleasant sight.

Despite her unappealing appearance, Vrochi knew to treat her with the utmost respect, considering she was an elder. Suddenly embarra.s.sed that she had been crying, Vrochi immediately wiped away her tears. "Are you a traveler?" her voice was choked with emotion.

The woman smiled. "Aye, 'ye could say that." The woman had an accent. It was not an accent Vrochi recognized. Vrochi had not spoken to an outsider in a very long time. Not a lot of people visited Hatazao. There was no longer a Hatazao to visit, anyway.

"Well, I'll be on my way." Vrochi began to shuffle her feet and started to walk away, but the woman stopped her. "Child," the woman called to her. "I know 'ye are mourning the loss of 'ye village. I saw it happening. It must have been so painful." Vrochi felt her tears start to trickle down her face again. "What is 'ye name?" The woman asked her softly. " 'Tis Vrochi, miss." The woman gave her yet another warm smile. "That is a lovely name," she complimented.

Vrochi no longer knew what to do or where to go. "Miss, I believe I should go now," she stood up to leave. "Where will 'ye go?" asked the woman. "Somewhere far away from here." Vrochi's voice broke as she said the last word. Her heart ached so much, she wished to take it out and turn it into stone. In fact, it already felt like it was a stone. A frigid, melancholy, heavy, stone.

"Oh, my! I almost forgot the reason why I'm here," the woman proclaimed loudly. Vrochi did not bother to turn around. "Vrochi," the old woman sternly declared her name. Vrochi unexpectedly halted as she heard her name. She turned to face the woman.

The woman spoke once more, her voice slowly transforming into a gentler voice of a young woman.

"You have been cursed with a burden more than you can bear. You have a rare innocence and your heart is as pure as can be. Even purer than the finest gold in the world. Vrochi, you do not deserve to bear this curse." Without warning, the woman threw her shabby cloak off.

The image of the old hag was gone and in its place, stood an elegant, aristocratic-looking woman. Like Sunyx, she was dressed in fine garments made of silk and satin. Her wrinkled old face changed into that of a gorgeous young woman, no makeup applied. She was naturally beautiful. Her light brown hair was neatly combed and pulled back. Although her beauty stood out very much, her face looked lifeless and wistful, as if she was depressed.

"I am Eleos, G.o.ddess of compa.s.sion, mercy, and pity. The G.o.ds have seen thy suffering and we have decided to put an end to it," she explained. Vrochi unexpectedly felt like she was getting lighter every moment. Eleos took a step forward and gently placed her hand on Vrochi's forehead. "Henceforth, thou will be at peace."

All at once, Vrochi's tears came streaming down, but not in sorrow. She was shedding tears of joy. Her tears floated all around her and she herself also began to float. Vrochi's body slowly transformed into several droplets of water. Her luscious, brown hair withered everywhere. She floated ever so high, into the clouds.

Eleos sighed a sigh of relief and began to fade away. Before fading away completely, she whispered a call to Gaea, Demeter, Artemis, and the nearby nymphs to create Hatazao and its people once more. In a flurry of seconds, Hatazao was recreated. The villagers very faintly remembered what had happened.

To them, it seemed like a dream. Like a nostalgic memory. The villagers looked up to the sky and saw the image of a face that resembled Vrochi's. They knew Vrochi was finally at peace.

The sky began to form large, shadowy clouds and before they could utter a single word, the droplets of water began to pour down upon them. They looked at one another and smiled blissfully. Hatazao was the happiest village in the world. In fact, it still is!

When Demeter, Gaea, and the nymphs were recreating the village, they surrounded it with a barrier, protecting it from the dangers and cruelty of the real world. Hatazao was never to be seen again, but the people do not mind, for they are joyful and never upset.

Every now and then, Vrochi sends her tears to replenish the Earth and its people. We call her tears, "rain." When Vrochi feels somber but not angry, her tears are gentle and soothing. When Vrochi feels offended or bitter, her tears can be unforgiving. Her tears can spread to other people. That is why rainy days seem gloomy and sorrowful.

So now you know how it all began. The next time rain falls upon the Earth, perhaps you'll recall her tale. Her sorrowful tale...

The Rain's Sorrowful Tale 1

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