Against Heaven's Will Chapter 310 New Conditions

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Chapter 310 New Conditions

Ming's warning came so suddenly but Xuefeng didn't hesitate to react. He wrapped his body with Ether Qi to teleport himself away but he failed miserably. No matter how much Qi he used, the Sacred Altar momentarily absorbed it. 

"Are you trying to use your Qi?" Dragon Queen asked as she noticed his struggles and grasped his arm to stop him. "Give it up. Once you stepped into the Sacred Altar, you can only use your Bloodline." 

Before she finished speaking, the nine pillars buzzed and a crimson barrier surrounded them from all sides.

'd.a.m.n, I should have known,' Ming cursed while blaming herself. 'Now we are completely at Dragon Queen's mercy. If she wants to kill you now, she can easily do so.'

'What about Fate Qi?' Xuefeng questioned in an alert. His Fate Abilities were his main source of strength. 

'They are completely off-limits which renders us useless as well,' Ming replied quietly. 'You are completely on your own.' 

'Don't worry, nothing bad will happen,' Xuefeng a.s.sured as he tried to remain calm. 'Dragon Queen doesn't seem like she has ill intentions.' 

Xuefeng was rarely wrong with his instincts and he could tell how pa.s.sionate Dragon Queen was about her Race. Knowing how proud Dragons were, she wouldn't use such underhanded methods to beat him. 

Unfortunately, he didn't take into account how much his actions could influence others.

"You can let go of me now," Xuefeng pointed out as Dragon Queen kept holding him but instead of listening, she pulled closer and hugged his arm. 

"What if I don't want to let go?" Dragon Queen asked back with a smile. "The moment I activated the Secret Altar, you are stuck with me here. No matter what I do, you can't escape me." 

Xuefeng frowned as he tried to pull away, but Dragon Queen didn't budge an inch. "Didn't we have a deal? We are supposed to sign a Blood Pact." 

"Oh, we are still going to proceed with the deal," Dragon Queen replied casually as she coiled into his embrace. "I just feel like I deserve to be greedy for once. I always do what's best for my race but what about me? It is time for me to think about what I want too." 

"What do you mean by that?" Xuefeng asked grimly which caused Dragon Queen to giggle. 

"Why do you sound like I'm going to kill you? Don't worry, I would never hurt you," Dragon Queen a.s.sured while reaching out to caress Xuefeng's cheek. "As long as you give me what you want at least." 

The situation wasn't going in Xuefeng's favor. Dragon Queen would slowly overpower him if he didn't take the initiative and he couldn't let that happen. He suddenly drew closer instead of pulling away and grasped Dragon Queen's bottom with a firm hand. 

"And what is it that you want?" Xuefeng questioned while his face neared hers. "I already agreed to everything you wanted which I rarely do. I even gave you a sample of what I taste like. Did you already forget about it?" 

Xuefeng didn't wait for a reply and struck the iron while it was hot.  I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm


His heavy hand landed on Dragon Queen's b.u.t.t which sent a s.h.i.+ver across her body. Xuefeng already learned about her erogenous zones and immediately treated her neck with a wave of kisses. 

"Ah…" Dragon Queen let out soft moans while grasping onto his hair before her legs s.h.i.+vered in pleasure. Xuefeng has already slid his fingers in between her cheeks and a.s.saulted her insides without mercy. 

"Is this what you wanted?" Xuefeng asked seductively with his lips on her ear. "I will give it to you. All of me for a whole night. Let's sign the Blood Pact and enjoy ourselves. Only you and me." 

Dragon Queen's juices flowed down her legs but despite Xuefeng's efforts, he wasn't able to break her. If anything, he only made her resolve stronger and she gazed at him with a pa.s.sionate flame in her eyes. 

"I want you," Dragon Queen finally revealed as she forcefully pulled him away. "I want you every night, not just tonight. I don't want you to leave me at all." 

Xuefeng raised his eyebrows in surprise. "You know that's impossible. I can't stay here forever." 

"Why?" Dragon Queen asked back without hesitation while glancing at Thunder G.o.ddess. "What is preventing you from staying with me? Your wives? I don't mind if they stay together with us. The more the merrier."

"It's not about my wives," Xuefeng shook his head. "I have a lot of responsibilities and places I have to visit. I also have many enemies that could wipe your Dragon Realm with ease. If they know you are close to me, they would definitely attack just to hurt me. I can't endanger you like this." 

Xuefeng thought that was good enough reason yet Dragon Queen's eyes only shone brighter. She leaned over to kiss him deeply and hugged him tightly. "To think you are so considerate and caring… How can I let go of a man like you?" 

Xuefeng felt like smacking his face with a palm but his arms were tied. How did he manage to make the situation worse? Would making himself less desirable work better?

Dragon Queen didn't give Xuefeng more time to think of a better plan. She suddenly crouched and grasped onto his thighs with her face leaning against his crotch.

"You see, when you first entered me earlier, I already knew that I wouldn't be able to live without it," Dragon Queen admitted as she caressed his raising erection. "This is what I want. I don't care how many enemies you have. Together we can grow an army that anyone would fear. Our lives are long enough to slowly build a Race that will conquer any Realm Beyond the Heavens." 

Dragon Queen gave his crotch a soft kiss before standing up to face him. She smiled and stated her terms, "We will sign a Blood Pact but the conditions will change. You will stay with me and become my King. I don't mind if you have to leave to settle your ongoing matters, but you will promise to always come back to me. That is non-negotiable." 

Xuefeng couldn't help but ask the obvious, "And what if I reject your offer?" 

His words only widened Dragon Queen's smile. 

"You can't."

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 310 New Conditions

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