Against Heaven's Will Chapter 311 Negotiation

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Chapter 311 Negotiation

Dragon Queen's demands couldn't have been more ridiculous. 

"You can't really expect me to accept your conditions," Xuefeng said honestly. "You basically want me to devote myself to you for the price of a single Bloodline. Don't you think that's too little compared to what you want from me?" 

"Don't you have multiple wives already?" Dragon Queen asked rhetorically. "I don't expect anything more than what you already give them. You already spend the rest of your life with them while leaving from time to time."

"Well, that's different because I actually have feelings for them," Xuefeng countered speechlessly. "It takes time to build such a connection and we didn't even know each other for a day." 

Thunder G.o.ddess came to his mind but even though Xuefeng didn't know her for a long time, she was bound to him with a special Slave Contract that allowed him to trust her fully. He was willing to put his life on the line for all his wives but he didn't feel the same for Dragon Queen. 

Too bad, Dragon Queen didn't seem to care much about that. 

"That's fine. Once we sign the Blood Pact, we will have all the time in the world to develop our feelings and build the connection you need," Dragon Queen explained happily and reached out his hand. "Come, take my hand and let's rule the world together." 

It was clear that Dragon Queen wouldn't change her mind and Xuefeng was slowly running out of arguments that could convince her. He didn't wish to go down the path of violence but it seemed like he had no other choice. 

"I need more time to think about it," Xuefeng replied to stall for more time and looked back at Thunder G.o.ddess. "I also wish to discuss it with my wife first." 

Dragon Queen raised her eyebrows. "And what is there to discuss? I already said you can't decline me. I'm just being nice since you are my future husband. I don't want you to hate me but I will do whatever necessary to make you mine." 

Dragon Queen followed his gaze and added, "The Sacred Altar's barrier is soundproof and you can't use your Qi to communicate with the outside. You are on your own and your wife can't help you in any way." 

The crimson barrier was see-through from the inside but it seemed like Thunder G.o.ddess was kept in the dark about whatever happened to him. She didn't even exchange gazes with him which ruined his idea of securing an outside help. 

Xuefeng still had one last ace up his sleeve which helped him stay calm. 

'What about the Cube? Do we have enough Fate Qi to get out of here?' Xuefeng thought in wonder. 

The Cube seemed immune to everything and could break inside any s.p.a.ce. If he could get inside, he could also get out but there was a reason why it was his last resort. 

'If you plan to leave Thunder G.o.ddess behind then you can leave right now,' Ming copied exactly what he had in mind. 'You need a fully charged Cube to return back to Emi's realm. If you use it to teleport outside the Sacred Altar, we will need to charge it to full again before you can leave the Dragon Realm. We can try stealing the Earth Flame and leave later but then we will have to face the entire Dragon Race.'

The Earth Flame was the reason they came to the Dragon Realm. Securing a pure Dragon Bloodline was just a sidequest for them. 

"So? Are you ready to become mine?" Dragon Queen broke Xuefeng's train of thoughts and forced him to decide quicker. Becoming her King was out of the question so his only option was to fight his way out.  I think you should take a look at ραΠdαsnovel.cοm

Xuefeng touched his bracelet with all the heartbeats of his wives. It always reminded him what he was fighting for and gave him the power to never give up. 

"You are leaving me with no choice…" Xuefeng muttered as he suddenly pulled out his Dragon Edge and attacked without a warning. 


The blade broke through the air and cut straight at Dragon Queen's head. Xuefeng was confident in his agility but when it came to Dragons, their awareness and defense were beyond impressive. 

Dragon Queen simply raised her arm and blocked his attack without breaking a sweat. "So you chose to resist. Fair enough. I will have to show you the true power of the Dragon Bloodline before you agree to be mine. 

Dragon Queen's arm was already covered with s.h.i.+ny black scales and her body followed suit. Every inch of her skin was swiftly covered with the ultimate protection a Dragon could have. 

Xuefeng has already jumped back and he let his newly gained Dragon Bloodline take over his elvish body. Although his black scales weren't as s.h.i.+ny, they had multiple gold lines inside of them which made him look like a G.o.dly Dragon. 

"I will not let anyone force me into submission," Xuefeng announced as he aimed his sword at her face. "I am disappointed in you." 

Xuefeng expected an instant aggression but Dragon Queen took her time. He wondered why she was looking at him strangely only to realize she was staring at his Dragon Edge instead. 

"This sword is made from a Dragon scale," Dragon Queen pointed out with a frown. "Where did you get it?" 

"Will you let me go if I tell you?" Xuefeng asked back. 

"No, but I might go easy on you if you do so," Dragon Queen replied with a complicated expression. "It belonged to my son who died thousands of years ago so I'm curious." 

Xuefeng raised his eyebrows and decided to gamble. "What if I told you that he is still alive? If you let me go, I will arrange a meeting between you two."

Dragon Queen paused at his words and her eyes widened. It gave Xuefeng a slither of hope but she only smiled after and shook her head. "There is no need. Even if you are telling the truth, I have nothing to say to him. If he wanted to come he would return on his own." 

The last attempt to avoid a huge bloodbath has failed and Dragon Queen sharpened her claws while launching straight at Xuefeng. 

"Let's end it quickly!"

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 311 Negotiation

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