Against Heaven's Will Chapter 90 Qi Materialization

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"Mhmm… Delicious…"

When Xuefeng finished one last Air Qi Upgrade Fragment, his arms unconsciously tightened around the slim body sitting on his lap. He sunk his face into Tians.h.i.+'s lush black hair, inhaling her scent.

As she was still in the middle of Refining, he tried not to disturb her too much, only enjoying her softness. Tomorrow was the start of the tournament. They would be too busy to enjoy themselves, so he tried to make the best use of their time. He wanted to spend the last moment of freedom with his wives.

"Are you done…?" Tians.h.i.+ asked softly after a while, her Upgrade Fragment losing its l.u.s.ter like all the other used pieces.

Since Xuefeng required Air Qi Upgrade Fragments, she was left with all the other fragments that they got from the shorty Bai. While Xuefeng was focusing on one Element, for now, she cultivated all at the same time, reaching the Second Refining with nine Elements.

"Mhmm, I am. I reached the Fourth Refining," Xuefeng nodded, snuggling his noses into her neck while his hands sneaked onto her chest, squeezing it firmly.

As she was done Refining, he didn't need to hold back anymore.

"Xuefeng…" Tians.h.i.+ called out as she reached behind her to grasp onto his hair. "Why did you stop Refining then? We won't have time to refine our Qi later. You should still have more than three hundred Upgrade Fragments, right?"

"I decided against it. To reach the Fifth Refining, I need a Thousand Upgrade Fragments. We only have around four hundred, so I can't reach it anyway. It would be best to focus on something else for now," Xuefeng explained as he caressed her cheek, prompting her to rotate and face him instead. "What about you? Did you finish?"

"Yes, love. I finished as well," Tians.h.i.+ replied as she naturally embraced him, her arms wrapping around his head. "What do you want to do then? By the way, how is your Qi? Fourth Refining is called Qi Materialization, right?"

"I honestly don't feel any different," Xuefeng pointed out. "My Air Qi just seems a bit more alive, that's all."


Just as she said it, two women slipped away from his body, appearing on both sides. Soft peaks immediately captured his arms as two pairs of hands fell on his chest and back, gripping him as if he belonged to them.

The two women were naturally Ming and Ling, joining them in the group hug.

"It's because you still didn't let your Qi awaken," Ming explained, grasping onto his wrist. He was enjoying Tians.h.i.+'s bottom when Ming took it away.

"Awaken Qi?" Both Tians.h.i.+ and Xuefeng questioned in confusion.

"Yes. When you enter the Qi Materialization stage, your Qi will behave as if it has a life on its own. As Qi comes from nature, it will search for its Beast Attribute. You can give your Qi a push in a certain direction but in the end, it's mostly predetermined based on your body properties," Ming described and suggested, "Although there is not much s.p.a.ce here in the room, you can pull out your Air Qi and check."


Tians.h.i.+ seemed like she wanted to move from his lap not to disturb him but he stopped her, pulling her back. He extended his hand to the side instead and created a ball of Air Qi on top of his palm.


He noticed the difference instantly. His Qi was calm inside his body but the moment it got outside, it started to get violent, getting out of his control.

"Calm down!" Xuefeng called out sternly and pressured his Qi with the power of his Elvish Bloodline. It only worked for a moment but it wasn't the long term solution.

The Qi kept getting agitated, wanting to shapes.h.i.+ft and form.

"Don't worry, let your Qi free. It's still bound to you so it cannot escape from your control," Ming a.s.sured and lead him. "Close your eyes and imagine what Beast you want to materialize."

He could only follow her advice, but what Beast did he really want? Thankfully, when he closed his eyes, he didn't need to think too much as one Beast stood out from them all.


The moment he imagined Drakos' colossal body, his palm began to vibrate with the Air Qi going wild. He unconsciously opened his eyes and saw the ball of Qi mutating, acting as if some kind of egg with a life inside of it that wanted to get out of it.

"Quick, pump more Air Qi into the mix."

Xuefeng didn't hesitate, unloading his Air Qi storage straight into the ball only to see something magical happen. The ball grew extremely slowly but he could still feel something sucking his Air Qi from the inside.

It was coming alive!

"The more refined the Qi, the more alive and real it will get. Once you improve it, even more, the Beast can become as if it was real," Ming added as she watched curiously. "What Beasts did you think of? It takes some time to materialize."

"A Dragon," Xuefeng replied honestly, causing Ming's eyes to widen.

"It would be amazing if you could materialize one of the High-ranked Beasts, but… I don't think you have enough Qi for it," Ming pointed out. "Once you materialize a Beast, it will be the same for all Elements, no matter what you use. As a Dragon has a more complicated build, it will require more Qi from you."

"How about this then?" Xuefeng questioned as he put his Elemental Bracelet to usage. Its only Air Elemental Stone lit up and the Air Qi ball covered his forearm.

It wiggled for a moment before forming into some kind of living gauntlet. It was full white with five claw-like fingers and acted as the extension of his arm.

"Wow…" the girls commented, seeing fully grown Dragon Claws adjusted to Xuefeng's arm.

"What do you think? My Qi almost run out as I pumped it into the materialization, so I thought it would be easier to try again after I gather more Qi," Xuefeng said as he moved his arm around. "Cool, right? It looks the same as the one Drakos created for me back in the days."

"Just the fact you can create one means you really will materialize a Dragon in the future. It should be because of Drakos's influence on your body that caused it…" Ling guessed.

"Maybe," Xuefeng only shrugged, and to the girl's surprise, he canceled the Air Qi Dragon Claw, sucking the Qi inside of his body.

He only smirked and kissed them one by one.

"This is not the time for that. Now we shall cultivate," Xuefeng announced and pulled out a familiar pill from his Storage Ring, displaying it in front of Tians.h.i.+.

"Do you want it?"

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 90 Qi Materialization

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