Against Heaven's Will Chapter 91 Rooftop Cultivation

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Tians.h.i.+ gazed at the pill and her body instinctively got hot, recalling the last time she took it. She knew very well what it was.

An Aphrodisiac Pill created by Lisa that helped with cultivation, providing abundance of Spirit Qi. Back in the Earth Realm, they used to take it often, combining their night activities with cultivation. It allowed them to advance by leaps and bounds, reaching the peak of Monarch stage in just three years.

It would be the first time they would use it in the Heaven Realm since they arrived and Tians.h.i.+ couldn't help but get excited, knowing the pa.s.sion it could create between them.

"So you want to cultivate now…?" Tians.h.i.+ questioned softly but still took the pill from his fingers. "I don't mind."

"I want to spend the last evening before the tournament with my wives but we also need to cultivate and expand our souls before we leave the Water Land. The best thing we can do is combine the two. We can also cultivate both Water and Spirit Qi at the same time," Xuefeng explained before looking left and right at Ling and Ming.

He caressed their cheeks and leaned over, kissing them gently on the lips. "I will be cultivating with Tians.h.i.+ now. Please a.s.sist me."

The two could only nod in understanding. Even though they were his wives as well, they didn't need to cultivate like Xuefeng and Tians.h.i.+. They were his Fate Spirits and their main task was a.s.sisting Xuefeng in his cultivation.

Xuefeng pulled out a second pill, planning on swallowing it right away while looking at his love but Ling stopped him.

"If you want to speed up your Cultivation, maybe we should get to a more open s.p.a.ce first? This room is not really good for Cultivation," Ling suggested. "It will block most Water Qi entering into the room and we need a lot of it to be efficient."

"How about a rooftop?" Ming proposed immediately, causing the rest to knit their brows in hesitation.

"You want us to have s.e.x in public?" Xuefeng voiced out everyone's concern but Ming a.s.sured them, "Don't worry, I will create a barrier around you. No one will be able to see what's happening inside."

"I don't mind," Xuefeng nodded and popped the pill into his mouth. "Shall we go?"

Tians.h.i.+ could only copy him, swallowing the pill before their bodies disappeared from the bedroom of the inn. The rooftop of the inn was relatively flat, giving them quite some s.p.a.ce for their cultivation.

Flying s.h.i.+ps, Beasts and even some City Guards could be seen flying above their heads but no one paid any attention to them. After all, who would be so bold to have s.e.x and cultivate on the rooftop, right for everyone to see them?

"I can feel it already…" Tians.h.i.+ muttered in warning as a burning feeling began to spread from her stomach, slowly filling her body. She tightened the hug, her fingers sinking into his back.

The pills took a moment to activate which was why they took them earlier but she already felt in the mood before. The pills worked immediately this time, making her hot all over.

"I am too," Xuefeng replied simply as he pressed her against his body.

He didn't need to tell her. She could feel him grow against her stomach as he used her body to hide it.

Before they could even ask Ming for some kind of cover, the promised golden barrier expanded from their bodies, giving them around five meters of s.p.a.ce. The barrier was see-through at first but it quickly became blurry, hiding them inside.

"Done. Now n.o.body can see us," Ming called out as she appeared next to them. "Even if some Celestial Stage cultivator appears, they won't be able to discover anything. I will be on the lookout anyway, just in case anyone tries to destroy it out of curiosity."

"Alright, we will start then. I can already feel the abundant Spirit Qi filling my body. We cannot wait anymore," Xuefeng announced as he finally looked at Tians.h.i.+, his face nearing her. "I'm all yours now."

At that point, she barely listened to them, already wanting to connect with Xuefeng and make him ravage her body till none of her strength was left. She was holding back but with the outside distractions gone, they could finally begin.

Tians.h.i.+ didn't even reply, lunging forward without hesitation. She took the initiative, mas.h.i.+ng their lips together as if trying to flatter and destroy his mouth while her hand unb.u.t.toned his pants, letting her slip inside.

Normally they would start slowly, savoring the moment and making each other comfortable but they didn't have so much time this time. Cultivation came first while the pleasure was just a bonus.

"I want you…" Tians.h.i.+ whispered as she breathed out hot air, her fingers squeezing and stroking. "I want it…"

She could already feel her juices dripping as Xuefeng acted on his own, pus.h.i.+ng his fingers in between her legs. She was more than ready to accept him and start cultivation.

"Lay down," Xuefeng ordered as he lowered her body. She didn't mind doing it on the ground, or the floor, or while standing yet Xuefeng made sure she was comfortable by sp.a.w.ning a thick cloud under her. It acted like a soft bed, just for them.

"Let me—" Tians.h.i.+ spoke, wanting to help him take off his s.h.i.+rt in return but he cut her off with a kiss, placing her arms around his head instead. He didn't seem like he wanted to take off his clothes at all.

"Focus on cultivating…" Xuefeng spoke in between of his kisses. "I will do the rest."

He didn't let her reply, gripping onto her thighs as he spread them wide. She could feel him, strong and hot, rubbing against her before hovering in front of her entrance.



"Miss Liu, is there a need to meet with them right now? We should wait till the tournament."

Flying after Liu Xinyu, Mia couldn't help but try to convince her lady once again but it was useless.

"I'm so bored. Let's just pretend we are someone else and meet him to see how he is like," Liu Xinyu replied with a shrug.

Mia wanted to roll her eyes but resisted her urges like always. She wanted to try another method when she felt some strange movement of Qi in the air.

"Huh? Mia, can you feel it?" Liu Xinyu asked curiously, her body speeding up in the same direction as she ordered happily, "Something is going on there. Let's check it out!"

Against Heaven's Will Chapter 91 Rooftop Cultivation

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Against Heaven's Will Chapter 91 Rooftop Cultivation summary

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