Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 597

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Chapter 597 Three hundred and sixty-five miles

Translator 549690339

“The prelude sounded, and many players were already frowning. ”

“He felt that the melody and accompaniment of this song were a little traditional, and there was no Western fantasy style at all. The soundtrack did not match at all! ”


“When the singer started singing, everyone was left kneeling. ”

What the h.e.l.l is this?

“A lot of people even suspected that they had played it incorrectly, and even closed the interface and clicked on the link again. There was nothing wrong with it, this was the theme song for the prequel of Dark Souls that Chen Mo was talking about! ”

“””The stars with hazy eyes can’t stop my journey. ”

“””Years of wandering, eating wind and sleeping in the open”” ”

“””I’d rather endure loneliness for my ideals. “” ”

“””Drink up that loneliness”” ”

“””Shake off the dust of the foreign land, and embark on the long journey.”” ”

“””Pursue my dream with pa.s.sion.”” ”

“””Three hundred and sixty-five days pa.s.sed year after year.”” ”

“””A journey every day.”” ”


Many players were dumbfounded. Did Chen Mo post the wrong link?

“Whether it was the melody or the lyrics, this was completely different from Dark Souls! ”

“The lyrics were clearly describing a traveler who was wandering in a foreign land, chasing after his dreams with pa.s.sion, reminiscing about his hometown, and at the same time, constantly moving forward … ”

“However, stop! What the h.e.l.l did this have to do with Dark Souls? ”

“Could it be that he was insinuating that these undead had left their hometown for thousands of miles to complete their mission and become Lords of Cinder, and that they had been fighting with their dreams? ”

… It seemed like he had overthought it!

“The singer was still singing, and it was clear that he had reached the chorus. The singer’s voice suddenly became more pa.s.sionate and emotional. ”

“””Three hundred and sixty-five miles from home to a foreign land.”” ”

“””Three hundred and sixty-five li, from youth to white hair”” ”

“””How many three hundred and sixty-five miles? past spring, summer, autumn, and winter?”” ”

“””Three hundred and sixty-five li, how can we let it be wasted?”” ”


“The chorus at the end was an endless loop of these lyrics. It was nice, but the players were all dumbfounded. ”

“Even after listening to the entire song, many players still couldn’t believe that this was the theme song for the prequel of Dark Souls … ”

Many players were puzzled. This didn’t make any sense!

Why did Chen Mo get a Chinese song for the theme song of Dark Souls?

“The Chinese songs were fine, but there was no mention of Dark Souls, not even a hint of Western fantasy! ”

He felt that this song would be more suitable for the New Year’s party …

“After repeatedly confirming that Chen Mo’s account wasn’t hacked and that the song ‘ 365 miles’ was the theme song for Dark Souls ‘prequel, the players started to use their imagination to figure out Chen Mo’s intentions. ”

There must be a reason why Chen Mo chose this song as the theme song for the prequel to Dark Souls.

“After all, Chen Mo knew music and had a deep understanding of Western fantasy, so he wouldn’t make such a low-level mistake. ”

The only explanation was that Chen Zhao did it on purpose …

Many of the players had their imagination running wild as they tried to guess the meaning behind the song.

“””I think this song is Chen Mo’s way of encouraging us! As undead, we have the mission of pa.s.sing on the fire. The journey of pa.s.sing on the fire is to leave our homes and travel 365 miles. Chen Zhao is praising our spirit!”” ”

“””Hehe, Chen Mo is so positive? You’re not a fake fan, are you?”” ”

“””I think Chen Mo was just being stubborn for a bit, and this song is probably how he really feels. You see, he wasn’t originally from the capital, and he could be considered to have drifted North before. It’s not easy for him to leave his hometown to pursue his dream!”” ”

“””You think it’s not easy for Chen Zhao? He’s going to become the richest man in the world …”” ”

“””I think this song really describes the mentality of us young people! Look at all The Drifters in Beijing, and not all of them came to Beijing. Some of them came to other big cities too. Young people nowadays are all bravely pursuing their dreams …”” ”

“””Maybe it’s nostalgia? Or was it a sign of goodwill to the game Committee? Don’t you guys think that this song is very traditional and suits the taste of the leaders?”” ”

“The number of comments under Chen Mo’s Weibo quickly exceeded a thousand, and the players were all trying to guess the song’s purpose, trying to solve Chen Mo’s riddle. ”

“There were also a few comments that seemed very philosophical, and they were pushed to the top and liked by hundreds of people. ”

“As if they were doing reading comprehension, the players tried their best to unearth every word of the song, every meaning, and many people began to a.n.a.lyze the emotions contained in the song from the music style and melody. ”

Some people even thought that Chen Mo was planning to quit after finis.h.i.+ng the prequel to Dark Souls.

“However, the players who had tried out the prequel of Dark Souls in the experience store immediately understood the meaning of the song. ”

They could only smile bitterly. Chen Zhao really had a bad taste! He even specially wrote a song?

“Even though these people wanted to tell the players the truth, most of them held back. After all, it would be meaningless to spoil such a fun thing. The players had to experience it for themselves to better understand the emotions contained in the song … ”

“Moreover, even if some players wanted to hint at it, no one would listen, because the top few hot comments had long been occupied by those philosophical comments that overinterpreted the meaning of the lyrics. Those players who wanted to expose the truth could not cause a splash … ”


“With endless longing for the prequel of Dark Souls and doubts about the song, three hundred and sixty-five miles, the players had finally waited for the release of Dark Souls! ”

“Just like dark Souls, the prequel was also released worldwide, with multiple languages and built-in voices in both Chinese and English. ”

“Obviously, with the huge influence of Dark Souls, the prequel’s popularity was obvious, because all the dark Souls fans around the world were eagerly looking forward to the release of the prequel! ”

The mystery that was still hanging.

Superb level design.

It was a combat system created using the Pangu engine.

The gaming experience made one’s heart beat faster.

“All of these factors made Dark Souls a unique game, and the prequel of Dark Souls gained more and more attention! ”

“Moreover, Dark Souls and the prequel to Dark Souls had also launched the Switch version. Players who bought the Switch but couldn’t afford the gaming pod could also buy the Switch version of Dark Souls for only 98 Yuan. ”

“Although the handheld version was far less immersive than the VR version, it was cheap and could be played anytime, anywhere. So, it was obvious that most players who bought the Switch would choose to try it out. ”

Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 597

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Almighty Video Game Designer Chapter 597 summary

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