He Is Warmer Than Time Chapter 2090: The greatest motivation to live

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Chapter 2090: The greatest motivation to live


Translator: 549690339

get out. My leg will be able to walk normally in about half a month. By then, I’ll go to your school to teach. If your princ.i.p.al has any objections, you can ask him to come to me, or I can pay him a visit personally.

Xue Shen stood up and waved his hand. that’s enough. I’ll settle this for you. It’s not an important elective cla.s.s anyway. I’ll just tell the princ.i.p.al.

“I won’t disturb you guys anymore. I’m the third wheel, so I’ll leave on my own accord.”

“Goodbye,” Shen Zhaozheng raised his hand.

“I’ve come for nothing.” Xue Shen gritted his teeth.

With a bang, the door closed. Gu Nian then fed him the remaining porridge.”You’re really too much. She’s just concerned about you, but you don’t appreciate it at all.”

“Don’t you think he’s a little redundant here?” Shen Zhaoming held her hand.

Gu Nian pouted. I think it’s okay. Even if it’s not him, there will be someone else. It’s not as bad as third brother. At least I’m close to him.

my brother left a nanny here to take care of me, ” Shen Zhaozheng said softly. you can go back to cla.s.s tomorrow, okay? ”

He was afraid that niannian would delay her studies, and the director and his wife would have a lot to say about him.

He did not dare to relax at this juncture.

After feeding him the last mouthful, Gu Nian picked up a tissue and carefully wiped his mouth. Jian Xia asked for a week’s leave for me. Tomorrow, I’ll ask her to bring my books over. I’ll stay here with you for a week. Ask the nanny that your brother sent to go home. I’ll ask my Grandpa to send someone over. What do you think? ”

Her brother and his father’s people were here, so she would feel uncomfortable.

Perhaps their every word and action would be spread to his big brother.

It was better to avoid trouble.

“Alright, I’ll listen to you,”

However, if she sent her brother’s people back, it was inevitable that the family would have opinions about niannian.

Let them be. They didn’t like niannian anyway, so it didn’t matter.

After breakfast, a nurse came in to change the medicine. Gu Nian also saw his wound.

There were many wounds on his body, with scars everywhere. This was a medal that belonged to a man, but she felt very distressed looking at it.

After changing the dressing, Shen Zhaozheng was half-lying on the bed.|| Go.

The early autumn sun s.h.i.+ned on her, and she was peeling an Apple at the side.

The years were peaceful, so peaceful that he felt scared. If he didn’t make it back, wouldn’t he be unable to enjoy such peaceful years?

The feeling of surviving a disaster would probably last for a long time.

Gu Nian also fed him lunch. Inspector Shen did not mention that he was injured in the chest, so he could still move his hands.

The little girl was willing to take care of him, and he was naturally more than happy to do so.

In the afternoon, the leaders of the capital Academy of Sciences came to see him.

His brother, Shen Zhaoshan, was among them.

The Dean of the capital Inst.i.tute of Sciences also expressed some concern for Shen Zhaozheng’s sadness.

It was late at night and the person in his arms had already fallen asleep. In the darkness, he lowered his eyes and could see her face.

He let out a sigh of relief and hugged her even tighter.

She really didn’t expect that he could escape from the plane crash, and that he could escape from that group of unruly people to come to her side.

The heavens had treated him well.

Knowing that she was waiting for him in the distance was his greatest motivation to live on.

He gently planted a kiss on her forehead, then closed his eyes and entered the dream.

The next day, the sky was clear and Gu Nian had already woken up. As usual, the nanny at his grandfather’s house had brought breakfast over. Like a virtuous wife, Gu Nian helped him prepare the things he needed to wash up.

He Is Warmer Than Time Chapter 2090: The greatest motivation to live

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He Is Warmer Than Time Chapter 2090: The greatest motivation to live summary

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