He Is Warmer Than Time Chapter 2091: She's a little similar to your big sister

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Chapter 2091: She’s a little similar to your big sister


Translator: 549690339

Yu Bin knocked on the door and walked in, whispering, ” “Boss, this morning, a senior engineer came to the internet Information Department. I heard that he’s a computer expert. This time, there was a loophole in the network and this engineer was ordered to fix it at the last minute. However, he doesn’t belong to the Research Inst.i.tute. He’s here this time because he has some technical matters to discuss with you.”

“Got it. What time will you be here?”

“Around ten O ‘clock.”

“Alright,” he said.

At ten O ‘clock, Gu Nian was reading a book in the ward. After all, there was still the sixth grade to go after the fourth grade. Furthermore, there were more professional courses in the second year than in the first year. She could not afford to be sloppy in her studies.

There was a knock on the door and Yu Bin came in with a woman.

The woman looked like she was in her mid-thirties and was wearing a black suit. Her hair was tied up neatly and she wore a pair of gold-rimmed gla.s.ses. She looked like a professional elite.

The woman was followed by a female a.s.sistant in her 20s. The female a.s.sistant carried a bag and walked to Shen Zhaozheng’s bed with the engineer.

Gu Nian glanced at the woman in shock. She had thought that the engineer was a man after hearing Yu Bin’s words.

He had never expected that there would be a woman who could achieve the best in this industry.

This sister really made people admire her.

Shen Zhaozheng also had a surprised look in his eyes, but he didn’t show it on his face like he did. He only smiled faintly.”I’m sorry, my leg is injured, so I can only sit and receive you.”

When the female a.s.sistant saw Shen Zhaozheng, she was a little surprised. She sized him up and then sat down with her boss.

Ye Shu pushed her gla.s.ses and smiled. “Inspector Shen, you don’t have to be so formal. We can communicate like this.”

After saying that, Lin Yiqian raised her head to look at Gu Nian.

“Um, I’ll be leaving first.” Gu Nian stood up immediately.

“Yes,” Shen Zhaozheng nodded.

After all, it was related to scientific research. Niannian was an outsider, and it was indeed inconvenient for her to stay here.

As Gu Nian sat on the sofa outside, the three of them continued their conversation for about two hours before the door opened.

Ye Shu and her a.s.sistant walked out. Gu Nian nodded slightly, and the senior engineer also nodded slightly before they walked out.

Outside the door, the a.s.sistant whispered,”professor ye, why do I feel that inspector Shen looks a little like your elder sister?”

“Did I?” ye Shu raised her eyebrows.

yes, there are some similarities, especially in the eyes. She really does look like your eldest sister.

Ye Shu smiled. people all have two eyes, one nose, and one mouth. It’s not impossible for them to look like a stranger.

Their voices gradually faded away.

A week later, Shen Zhaozheng was discharged from the hospital. Shen Zhaoshan wanted him to live in the Research Inst.i.tute.

First of all, it was a single-story house. His legs had not recovered yet, so it would be more convenient for him to move around. Second, there were two nannies at home. It was always good to have someone to take care of everything.

However, Shen Zhaozheng insisted on staying at futun apartments. He said that the Gu family had hired a nanny to take care of him and that it was not inconvenient.

In addition, he could walk with a walking stick, so there was nothing inconvenient about it.

As soon as these words came out, Shen Zhaoshan and Zhou Yueru’s faces immediately became ugly.

Zhao Zheng really wanted to distance himself from them.

She had not even married Gu Nian yet, but she was already drawing a line between them. If she were to really get married in the future, would she not acknowledge them?

Shen Zhaoshan coughed and looked at Gu Nian. “Niannian, I have a few words to say to Zhaozheng. Look at ran ran.”

He Is Warmer Than Time Chapter 2091: She's a little similar to your big sister

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He Is Warmer Than Time Chapter 2091: She's a little similar to your big sister summary

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