He Is Warmer Than Time Chapter 2095: Can't take this lying down

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Chapter 2095: Can’t take this lying down


Translator: 549690339

Anyone could do this job.

She had lost the opportunity to make a name for herself and the opportunity to visit the leaders of the Inst.i.tute of Science and Technology and the Ministry of State affairs.

This was no different from being thrown into the cold Palace.

The most important thing was that she didn’t know how long she was going to continue this suppression period.

Gu Nian did not like her and easily suppressed her with a few words.

How could she bear with this?

She had never gotten along with Gu Nian. Gu Nian was born with everything. She had spent so much effort but had not been able to get Shen hanzhi.

Now, was she going to watch Gu Nian rise up while she was overshadowed?

No, she couldn’t take this lying down.

When she heard that her uncle would be remembered for his achievements again, she took into account that he had a grandfather who was a big Shot, the director’s father, the director’s boyfriend, and that she was studying at the media University.|| Entering the magazine agency was a sure thing.

Yingluo had already fallen to the point of becoming a small text editor.

The difference between them made her fl.u.s.tered and felt unfair.

She held her phone and thought about it. Finally, she composed a text message.

hanzhi, there’s something that your family probably didn’t tell you. They’re concerned that Hanhan has a boyfriend, and her boyfriend is someone you know.

She read the message carefully and finally made up her mind to send it.

It was early winter at the border. Shen hanzhi wore a heavy coat and was ready to return to the barracks.

His phone beeped twice. He picked it up and saw that it was a text message from an unknown number.

When he arrived, he had only saved the numbers of his family members and Gu Nian. He had not saved anyone else’s numbers.

However, from her tone, he could also deduce that the person who sent the text message was Li Hua.

He knew that niannian was in a relations.h.i.+p. The last time niannian came to the border, she had already told him.

But Yingluo was someone he knew?

Who was it?

He was so curious that he replied after a moment of hesitation, ” “Who is it?”

The other end was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no response for a long time.

Just as he was about to lose his patience and call her, he received another text.

He clicked on it, and the words on it made his heart clench.

“Your uncle, Shen Zhaozheng.”

Your uncle, Shen Zhaozheng?

Little uncle?

Niannian and little uncle are together?

How could this Yingluo be?

That was impossible.

Wasn’t niannian the most afraid of little uncle? How was that possible?

He only felt fl.u.s.tered. When he thought of niannian coming to the border and talking to him about love, his expression flickered.

Could it be that she was being evasive because her boyfriend was little uncle?

He couldn’t accept it at the moment.

His mind was in a mess, and his heart was filled with mixed feelings.

His hand trembled so much that he couldn’t hold the phone, and it fell to the ground with a thud, pulling him back to his senses.

He picked up the phone on the ground and entered his barracks in a panic.

He paced around the house for almost an hour before he finally called his father.

dad, I think I’ve gained enough experience at the border. I want to be transferred back to the capital.

Shen Zhaoshan heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that. The kid had finally thought it through. It had been more than a year.

“Do you think you can go and be transferred back whenever you want? Do you think you own the Research Inst.i.tute? This is child’s play!”

He still had to reprimand him if he needed to, or else this kid would not learn.

“Dad, if you don’t have a way, I’ll go through other channels. I’ll apply for it myself.”

He Is Warmer Than Time Chapter 2095: Can't take this lying down

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He Is Warmer Than Time Chapter 2095: Can't take this lying down summary

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