He Is Warmer Than Time Chapter 2096: Who are those girls?

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Chapter 2096: Who are those girls?


Translator: 549690339

“Let me ask you, have you thought it through?” Shen Zhaoshan was a little angry. After you come back, you’d better stay at the Research Inst.i.tute in the capital and not go to the border again, understand?”

“I know.”

He came to the border defense to train his willpower and get niannian back.

But now, niannian, Qianqian, and niannian were together with someone else.

His heart was set on returning home, and he couldn’t wait a moment longer.

that’s enough. I’ll get you back as soon as possible. I just want to tell you one thing. Gu Nian has already let go of you. When you’re back, don’t bother her anymore.

Otherwise, if Shen Zhaozheng and he were entangled with the same girl, the Shen family would probably become the topic of gossip in other people’s spare time.

Zhao Zheng was already giving him a headache, and he could not afford to get entangled with Gu Nian.

“She’s with my uncle now, isn’t she?” Shen hanzhi said coldly.

“Yingluo knows.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

so what if I tell you? you better remember what I told you. Otherwise, I’ll still transfer you back to the border, you hear me? ”

“I know,” Shen hanzhi said through gritted teeth.

In the media College, Gu Nian and Guan Ling had been somewhat depressed ever since they were hurt by the magazine agency.

Rather than saying that she was depressed, it was more accurate to say that she couldn’t find the right direction for a while.

Although Gu Nian and Guan Ling were born into different families, they had similar personalities.

The two of them were both compet.i.tive and loved to stand out. Now that they had been hit at the same time, it really felt like they were sisters in a difficult situation.

Du Jun was the person who had the least desire to win. Such a person might not have great achievements, but he could live an ordinary life at ease.

Jian Xia had been busy with her dessert shop for the past few days. Du Jun was the only one left to make them happy.

After cla.s.s, Du Jun bought milk tea for the two of them. you two should pull yourself together. Don’t be so depressed. No one is talking to me.

Gu Nian took the milk tea and took a sip. “Only milk tea can extend my life.”

“I’m a little confused,” Guan Ling said softly.

I’m a little worried too. I’ll be going to brother zhaohan’s place first. He’s still injured and needs someone to take care of him. I might not be back this weekend. Du Jun, take Guan Ling out for a walk. Don’t keep thinking about this. Gu Nian agreed.

“Yes, don’t worry.” Du Jun nodded.

After packing her bag, Gu Nian bade the two of them farewell and left the dormitory.

When he reached the ground floor of the dormitory, he happened to see Xu Yan. A group of girls followed behind Xu Yan, and he looked like a popular idol.

She walked over, and when Xu Yan saw her, he heaved a sigh of relief. The boy beside him said to the group of girls behind him, ” “Don’t follow him anymore. If you guys continue, we’ll call security.”

Gu Nian and Xu Yan walked to the entrance of the cafeteria and whispered, ” “What’s going on? Who are those girls?”

Xu Yan touched his neck and said with a troubled expression, ” “I don’t know what’s going on, but the girls these days are probably tired of chasing celebrities. They’ve actually started to chase esports players like us. It’s really a headache.”

“So, they’re all your fans,” Gu Nian laughed.

Xu Yan sighed. don’t tease me anymore. I really don’t know how to get rid of them. They’ve completely affected my life. Some girls come to school every day to bring me food, but I don’t want them. She cries in front of me. I’m really speechless.

I’m giving you a tip. Gu Nian glanced at him. Guan Ling has been a little down lately.

He Is Warmer Than Time Chapter 2096: Who are those girls?

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He Is Warmer Than Time Chapter 2096: Who are those girls? summary

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