Mia is Not a Trouble-Maker! Chapter 668: Do We Start Catching Now?

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Chapter 668: Do We Start Catching Now?


Translator: Henyee Translations  Editor: Henyee Translations

Qurry: “Alright, friends, I won’t talk too much with you. My livestream today is the same as before. It’s to help stray cats. We received a call from the enthusiastic public saying that there’s a nest of newborn cats in the corner of the side gate of this neighborhood. A few days ago, it rained. The mother cat hid under the board with the kitten and couldn’t come out. Therefore, I want to save the cats with my friends today. I hope they’re safe!”

Qurry looked worried. She followed Tani and the cat-catchers into the gra.s.sland by the side door. Actually, they could reach the side door in two steps. However, they didn’t go. They deliberately took a long detour to the overgrown area to show that it wasn’t easy for them.

Suddenly, Qurry said, “Ah, I heard a kitty. Quick, quick, quick!”

The camera started to shake, and the viewers could only hear Qurry panting as she ran. After a while, the scene changed. Qurry’s face was close to the camera as she said anxiously, “Friends, I just looked with my friends. The kitty is below. It’s at the corner of the wall. We can’t go down. This is troublesome…”

Qurry turned the camera around and saw a few kittens in the crevice. There was a slope in the crevice and water acc.u.mulated in the low ground. The kittens seemed to have just turned a month old and were wet. The mother cat was trying to bring them to a higher ground to prevent them from falling into the water. The kittens were still trembling and meowing. The mother cat was vigilant and looked at the humans who suddenly appeared with a covetous gaze. She let out a low growl.

The comments in the livestream quickly flashed past:

“Save them!”

“Thank you for your hard work, streamer!”

“The streamer stuck the camera so close to her just now. I’m blown away! She’s so beautiful!”

“Although rescuing cats is also very important, Streamer, you have to be careful!”

Qurry smiled and said, “Thank you, everyone.”

Outside of the livestream, the staff in charge of capturing cats looked at Tani and asked with his eyes, “Shall we start capturing now?” Generally speaking, they did not want these kittens. They could not draw blood after capturing them and had to raise them. It was a waste of money. Moreover, the kittens were very noisy and meowed all day long. It was very annoying! However, Tani nodded for him to catch them because their main goal today was not to capture stray cats. There were so many stray cats that could be caught at any time. However, Qurry’s account was in a period of growth. At this time, the most important thing was to support her. Not only did they have to save these kittens, but they could not use a net to catch them directly. They had to go down personally. It was best to get a scratch or something.

“Then I’ll go down.” With a look from Tani, the staff understood. He quietly put the cage aside and tried to go down into the crevice. However, as an adult man, he was too big to go down. Tani, who was slightly thinner, also tried, but he could not go down. Instead, it frightened the cats below. They kept moving towards the waterhole. Two kittens fell into the water, and the cat mother hurriedly picked them up.

Qurry was anxious. “Don’t go down. You won’t be able to go down. You’ll scare them!” She raised her cell phone and filmed the pitiful cats. The kittens were trembling and the cat mother was at a loss. She anxiously held one in her mouth and then another. She was very busy.

This scene made the netizens’ hearts tighten. The number of viewers in Qurry’s livestream soared again.

Qurry pa.s.sed the phone to the a.s.sistant and said, “Let me go down. I’m thinner, so I should be able to go down.”

Tani pretended to be worried and said, “No, no, no. Don’t go down. The terrain below is complicated and dangerous.”

The cat-catcher also chimed in, “That’s right. The stones below are very sharp. It won’t be good if you get scratched.”

Qurry only had eyes for the cats and said worriedly, “It’s alright. It’s alright if I’m injured. As long as I can save the cats.” She went down as she spoke.

In fact, the crevice was not that shaky, but even if there were no difficulties, they had to create difficulties. Tani took the cell phone and quietly adjusted the camera. He tried his best to take a deep and steep shot of the crevice. Qurry also looked like she was struggling. After a while, she screamed, “Ah…”

Mia is Not a Trouble-Maker! Chapter 668: Do We Start Catching Now?

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Mia is Not a Trouble-Maker! Chapter 668: Do We Start Catching Now? summary

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