Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 488: Spider Rancher

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Chapter 488: Spider Rancher


[Day 193]

Day 193? Yesterday it felt like an eternity, I just woke up in the room we were given by the Jade Snakes with the prettiest girl out there, Benladann, and the cute little gremlin Miranda to the other side of the bed, clinging to my back.

Well, I shouldn't call her gremlin, she's too pretty and cute to be called like that after all, I should be gentler… Despite having done a lot of mischievous things before, and a lot of very, very bad things, she had more than redeemed herself, and I like to believe that people can change.

Also, she's Benladann's other half, so I cannot really do anything to her other than reprimand her and forgive her afterwards… in a way, I see her as if she were her other half.

Benladann is usually gentle and friendly, she often barely harbors any negative thoughts, but Miranda is her opposite, she's zealous, rather mischievous, malicious, and tsundere…

In a way, when I see the two, I imagine two halves of the same coin. And it feels rather cute…


And then a small white snake-like dragon showed up around Benladann's clothes, popping out its tiny head.


"You're hissing at me again, you little ruffian?!" I asked angrily.


He was hissing at me!

Who does this hybrid thinks he is?!

I am going to literally eat him.

No, I can't…

He or she is Benladann's Spirit and pet…

I ignored his hissings and petted his head. He tried to bite me, but his fangs were so weak it didn't do anything to my skin, which was as hard as my scales.

"Haha, you're rather cute when you're hopeless." I said.

"Ugh, what's the big deal? Can't you let me sleep?" sighed Belle, the little pink fox was sleeping over my legs.

Ah, so that was the warm thing that was in my legs…

When she's not in her humanoid and cute fox girl form, she's even cuter in her fox form, like a pet fox.

How many times have you seen a fox video in youtube and wanted a fox pet? They're like cats and dogs combined together…

Sadly, Belle is not that great either, but I guess she's something.

You could consider her the key to an overpowered inheritance I cannot do yet.

Or also an overpowered dream spirit.

Well, both.

I decided to sit down and stretch my arms and legs for a bit, then I stood up and looked into the window.

My workers already reached here, Fuyu moved through the night and reached the outskirts of the Jade Snake Sect, so things are getting ready.

She's going to send more workers progressively.

As of now, the majority were working in repairing the walls, the other houses, and the palace.

Unlike the Winter Lotus Sect, this sect barely had any mortals, they were a more secretive sect and had less population, so they didn't had mortals to take care of nor they used them as meat s.h.i.+elds.

That was still awful to be honest, and I am still not completely happy with the Winter Lotus Sect… But oh well, I cannot just stay angry all my life, we have to keep going.

I looked into the window and felt the soothing wind. There were some patches of green gra.s.s around the snowy streets, in these areas of he continent, the ice begins to become less and less, until you're supposed to reach the other area of the continent which is quite a warm place, with gra.s.slands and verdant forests, and some say that there are even jungles around.

After I am done here, we'll continue moving to those lands and reach even further places… I want to go there, I bet there will be unique fauna and flora, perhaps new fruits, and monsters to taste and yeah, I guess new sects, or whatever else there could be, such as dungeons.

A Rank 5 Dungeon would be interesting… although a Rank 4 would be good enough for me to be honest. If I can get my hands in a lot of Rank 4 Dungeons then we can actively hunt Rank 4 monsters instead of waiting for them to resp.a.w.n for so long.

Rank 4 monsters are extremely rare, and the ones we had fought so far were made through very special methods used by the Dark Shadow Sect's inheritance they acquired from someone… through some shady means.

So we cannot really rely on that to get a constant supply of Rank 4 monsters… however, I am my fingers crossed we can find some more in the Dungeons around here, after all they were also infected by the Mana-Draining Spiders and they told me they had not been accessible ever since the Dark Shadow Sect Raid.

So it's the perfect opportunity to get there and get some more tasty spiders to eat…

And in the spider farm, k.u.mo had laid a bunch of eggs back in the Winter Lotus Sect, they drain mana rather fast to grow, so anyone around is advised to not get closer to the eggs while they grow.

After two days, the eggs hatched and small dog-sized black spiders showed up… using a slime clone, I realized they were already tamed to obey me, and it was easy to tell them to eat whatever critter they found in the wilderness and come back.

They also can eat dungeon monsters, so I feed them ice goblins from the ice moon sect's dungeons.

They eat a goblin a day, so nothing hard, and they grow fatter fast, so they'll be ready in a few more years. We can continue this process and have cattle spiders to feed the population.

The dungeons at the winter lotus sect are taking their time to make new monsters, the "Trauma" that the spiders left on it will take its time to finally recover completely, and I cannot feed them all using ice moon's resources forever, so a self-sustainable cattle animal was needed, and k.u.mo is carrying everyone in her back in this regard…


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 488: Spider Rancher

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 488: Spider Rancher summary

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