Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 489: Cooking With My Clones

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Chapter 489: Cooking With My Clones


Who would had thought that k.u.mo would save the day? Being one of the monsters to blame for the starvation of the winter lotus sect, now she had become their savior, aside from my supplies of food which will slowly decrease more and more as the winter lotus produces their food again using k.u.mo's help with her ma.s.s-production of edible giant spiders that grow fast into meaty claws to boil, there are other ways to get food such as farming, so the winter lotus people began making crops again.

Most of the mortals in that job perished, so they have to do that work by themselves now, at the very least they're not shying away from that responsibility, and I've shared some of my magically enhanced crops that I've modified using the power of Death Magic and also Life Magic and Nature Magic from my other friends.

They're specially engineered with magic to grow fast and big, and even tastier. They had begun to plant a lot of rice, lettuce, and salt root that was modified to grow large like potatoes.

k.u.mo doesn't seem to mind giving away her eggs to be eaten, in fact she was a terrible mother because she ate her own children as well… but well, who cares? She's just a monster and her children are critters without intelligence either.

It is harsh to raise animals just to eat them but that's what we literally do in Earth, so there's no point in getting sad over it, thankfully the spiders are often monstrous and senseless, so they cannot grow attached to anyone. If I stop looking at them with my clone, they begin attacking and killing each other, so I have to keep an eye on the herd 24/7 using the clone, which I've ended dividing into three smaller clones, like little shepherd versions of me.

I could leave my other head clones to the task, I had considered it… maybe… But for now, slime clones are the best for that task.

Using them feels like I am playing some monster ranching game simulator… especially because thanks to the System I can even see the spider's status and how they feel, tired, hungry, or nasty.

When they're tired, I bring them to sleep, when they're hungry I throw them food, and when they're nasty, I wash them… It hasn't been too long, but it gets repet.i.tive, I guess.

However, a few of them ended naturally evolving after absorbing enough mana, and became Rank 2… the biggest ones, which have the size of trucks, are the Rank 3 ones, but those guys are hard to get, the Rank 2 are as big as cars, so I am happy with that.

A single one can feed like 20 people, so they're an efficient cattle animal, big, durable, can eat anything, tasty, and grows fast too.

Going back to the main topic regarding the jade snake sect, I suppose I could complete the dungeons off-line like I did the other day, sending k.u.mo and my monsters there and letting them ma.s.sacre everything and bring me the loot. It feels way better to be honest.

As of now I should go check Zephyr and see how's that going on… but that's after breakfast.

I quickly walked to the kitchen of this palace, and I found it empty, most of the sect's people was working outside, and the jade snakes were way less polite than the winter lotus sect, so they were not desperately preparing us breakfast, I bet they won't even offer us food, they don't have any.

So I decided to just bring out my own stuff and fill the kitchen with ingredients. After that, I began making a variety of things…

"Alright you guys, you can come, help me out cook something tasty." I said.


I suddenly summoned the 7 other clones I got, all of them with their different appearances, clothes, and even genders…

"Cooking, huh?"

"So we are slaves now or something?"


"Come on, let's get to work."

"I like cooking!"

"Do we have to say a line?"


"Ugh, just stop wasting time and cook!" I sighed.

Everyone surprisingly worked together very well, and we cooked a variety of things for breakfast. Benladann and Miranda are going to get happy.

I guess I also made stuff for Belle and s.h.i.+ro.

A delicious sea food soup using the freshly fished monsters from the rivers of the recovering dungeon of the winter lotus sect, alongside black spider legs for the entrance.

And then a lot of premade dumplings I bought from the ice moon sect.

After that, a lot of grilled fish from the nearby rivers.

And green tea named Matcha from the Winter Lotus Sect.

After that, I also made a few dozens of toasts, brought b.u.t.ter, a large piece of cheese, and some fruit jam.

That should be it for breakfast.

We all eat a c.r.a.p ton, so this is not as much as you would expect, but I hope to fill our bellies with the soup.

The girls in specific seem to have an endless pit of stomach.

Even I get full sometimes, but those girls can eat endlessly.

Of course, at the end, they're still defeated after eating a lot, and have to rest.

Benladann grows her belly even after eating a lot, but she always tells me that the baby asks for a lot of food and is constantly growing stronger by devouring her nutrients, so she has to eat a lot to compensate.

I guess she's right.

Maybe we should make more…

"You guy stay cooking a bit more of everything if Benladann happens to still end up hungry." I said.

"Sure boss, whatever."

"Oi, give that dumpling."

"Oh, these toasts are good…"

"Hmm, soup!"

They of course were also allowed to eat; I wasn't so tyrannical. Their bodies require calories and have bellies. I think they can even go to the bathroom, so they better eat up their first meal.


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 489: Cooking With My Clones

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 489: Cooking With My Clones summary

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