Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 549: Catastrophic Attack

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Chapter 549: Catastrophic Attack


Saldrarion knew very well what he was exactly getting into. Saldrarion knew that he couldn't simply go around messing with these two sects without any actual backup plans other than "f.u.c.k them over" with sheer strength, because that wouldn't work, and they would most likely end as the losers in the end.

But things changed in their grim future when the Sect Master found a mysterious temple underground, beneath the ruins where he had built his sect, in these underground areas, there were many doors imbued with runes.

And the only way to open them was using darkness and shadow attribute spells… after several trials, Saldrarion suddenly found himself in the heart of the Inheritance of an ancient Immortal, and n.o.body else that one that had shaken the world with his power…

And he was also possessed by the phantom of Black, a fragment of the soul of this immortal.

Using his cunning mind and his tools, he planned to take over the entire continent- no, the world!

And he was beginning with these two sects at his side…

Things went well at first, the war between the two sects opened an excellent opportunity for them to advance further and dominate both while they were worn and torn.

After this initial attack, only another one to the two would be enough to completely wipe them out and gain their resources and more.

It was actually a perfect plan, there was no way for it to fail, the two sects felt cornered and desperate, and there wasn't anything that could go wrong, everything was calculated.

Well, they never calculated a completely external factor coming out of nowhere and being kind-hearted enough, with all the strength it possessed, to simply help them out for "free".

And this was when things began to go badly, the Dark Shadow Sect found themselves fighting an infamous man known as Drake, of course, they didn't even knew his name nor his intentions, but they knew someone helped, someone incredible enough to wipe out the entire shadow beast army.

And now, even after all that had happened, they were still in the blue about what exactly was happening and who was the awful one that has been doing all these things in the back, Drake had done an excellent job at hiding his ident.i.ty!

Or he hasn't? And simply put, the Dark Shadow Sect had not even tried sending recon at all? Black had not even thought about all the possibilities he could had done to discern the ident.i.ty behind the man, but now that he was in dire straits, he couldn't do any of them.

He had underestimated the mortals and thought that they were not deserving of any sort of strategy, after all they were all considered less than brainless, how would they even need all this much effort from a prideful immortal such as him? Well, this stupid thought process ended biting him in the back.


The flames in the sky finally shot down into the ground, an enormous tower of flames came out of Fuyu's canon!

The flames were so powerful and intense that even the sky trembled to its might! The flames exploded into the ground, reaching the territory of the Dark Shadow Sect at long last, and spreading flames that burned it all, the last disciples that were surviving and fighting were calcinated, the two giant guardian beasts defended as much as they could but the flames consumed their very beings, barely managing to survive even after bathing in the flames, but they could not even muster much of their power, and even Miranda's mold aberrations were burned, a small price to pay for it.


The enormous quant.i.ties of flames encompa.s.sed the entire place, consuming the last life left behind, and anything else was covered in black charcoal.

The Sect Master and Black's phantom were unable to escape in time, protecting themselves with the rubble and magic barriers, they somehow survived the living h.e.l.l that fell over them for a few seconds.

When things ended at long last, they were left barely in one piece, without believe such an attack could had even been performed by a mortal.

Within the Castle, Flayr sighed in exhaustion as she was caught by Drake's arms.

"Uwaahh… I did a lot…" she sighed.

"You indeed did a lot! Good job." Said Drake, petting Flayr and bringing her into her room to rest, he quickly flew back to the room as he looked down through the window, his sharp eyes could see very farther away.

He detected that there were still two signals of life down there barely hanging out, alongside a large amount of darkness trying to slowly run away.

"So that must the be the sect master and Black, we cannot possibly let them escape… I'll go catch them… Miranda, come with me, I'll send off k.u.mo and Kuro to deal with the surviving two lives in the territory down below, while the two of us catch the sect master." Said Drake.

"O-Only the two of us?!" asked Miranda.

"If we bring more, things will get complicated and Black might try something nasty, if we only go the two of us, we can handle things out." Said Drake.

"Oh… I suppose there's some logic behind it… Fine! I wanted to slap that idiot for doing this to you and Belle in that dreamscape anyways, let's go!" said Miranda.

Miranda and Drake quickly jumped out of the Castle, falling through the skies.

She sat over Drake's back, as he suddenly transformed into his dragon form and flew down below at a fast speed. His enormous form resembled a t.i.tanic eight-headed snake with a monstrous pair of wings and large claws and arms, covered by silvery-white scales.

His various crimson-red eyes shone brightly, unleas.h.i.+ng a strong wave of pure fear over the running target of his wrath!

Meanwhile, Drake opened his shadows as two enormous beasts jumped out, clas.h.i.+ng over the burned sect's territory, finding their two monstrous parents…


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 549: Catastrophic Attack

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 549: Catastrophic Attack summary

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