Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 550: Clash Of Giants 1

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Chapter 550: Clash Of Giants 1


k.u.mo and Kuro were released from Drake's shadow as the two gargantuan beasts fell over the ground, creating an enormous tremor that shook the entire place.

The tremor was so big that an enormous shockwave out of their dark auras was made, throwing away most of the rubble spread around and managing to actually clean the entire place, converting it into a flat land.

The only thing left were ruins and… two enormous beasts of the same type as k.u.mo and Kuro, but bigger and even more monstrous than them, their very presences exuded an air of incredible strength, the quant.i.ty and quality of their mana indicated that they were both at Rank 5!

However, they were weakened, severely weakened, after having endured two magic cannons in their faces, both which were rather effective against their elements, they had weakened severely and could barely unleash but a part of their former power.

They would need many days, weeks, or even months or years to recover completely by themselves, but this was the perfect opportunity to slay them, Drake knew this very well and this was the reason why he sent his two pets to slay their parents.

The enormous Spider Empress was twice the size of k.u.mo, towering almost 80 meters of height, her entire body was covered in wounds, however, her exoskeleton had been burned several times, and several of her eyes were burned and wouldn't regenerate back.

Meanwhile, k.u.mo, although being half her size, was still pretty strong-looking herself, and was healthy too! She might now be more than a match against her accursed mother.

And then there was the enormous snake, also almost double the size of Kuro, its gigantic body could easily coil around a skysc.r.a.per from Earth. Its crimson-red eyes shone brightly, but its entire body had open wounds, leaking blood everywhere… nonetheless, it seemed brave, brave enough to fight.

After having arrived here, the two beasts locked glares with one another for a few seconds before a battle quickly began.


Kuro and k.u.mo went into the offensive right away, making the entire world tremble around them with their gigantic size, the two leaped over their weakened parents, desiring to defeat these ultimately strong beings and grab their crowns as their own.

The vicious Spider Empress and the Shadow Jormungandr Descendant Emperor were not going to die without giving away a vicious battle, however! They quickly bared their fangs as their auras emerged from their bodies, as weakened as they were, they were still Rank 5!

It was often said that when beasts were cornered was when they showed their might the most after all!



The Spider Empress roared, as she opened her jaws and a ma.s.sive beam of darkness came out of it, clas.h.i.+ng against k.u.mo!


The beam of darkness reached the Spider Queen, as her mother quickly moved slowly towards her daughter, although her body was very weakened and she couldn't even move half as fast as she can in her healthier form, she was so big that every step were dozens of meters, reaching k.u.mo rather quickly nonetheless!

k.u.mo was impacted by her mother's beam, as she fell over the floor! She quickly began to regain her composition as she glared down hatefully at her mother, her enormous eyes flashed with bright red light, encompa.s.sing her mother with a sudden shower of status effects!


The Spider Empress suddenly found herself paralyzed, poisoned, and more! Of course, as the Empress, she was highly resistant to these eye curses, and quickly used her own eyes against her daughter!

However, because she only had a few of them, three, to be exact, the power of them was limited.

k.u.mo, however, felt their power as they bathed her body with curses, she felt paralyzed and also dizzy, and part of her legs slowly began to petrify!


k.u.mo felt alarmed, as she glared down at her mother and suddenly unleashed an expansive shockwave of darkness all around herself, clas.h.i.+ng against everything around her and her mother included!


The Spider Empress fell over the floor by the powerful shockwave of darkness, her eyes lost their fixation on k.u.mo's body, giving her daughter the opportunity to strike once more! k.u.mo rushed towards her mother and used the sharp tip of her claws, covering them in magic and shadow darkness, and beginning to pierce through her mother's body, abusing the open wounds she had to inflict direct damage into her insides!

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+


The Spider Empress roared angrily back at her daughter, as she kicked her back with her many legs, pus.h.i.+ng her away from her sight. Her big body was double the size of her daughter, meaning that she had double her physical strength, her legs could easily skewer k.u.mo if her daughter wasn't able to evade in time.


As k.u.mo found herself being pushed away and almost to be affected by her mother's eyes the moment she fixated her eyes on her, k.u.mo conjured magic, dark shadow magic, as she generated enormous spears made of darkness and fired them like a torrential rain over her mother!


The attacks began to pierce her mother's defenses and continued to reach her body, her eyes were attacked, and after a dozen of these attacks in mere seconds, her eyes exploded, leaving her completely blind!

The weakened Spider Empress cried in agony, as her ruthless and merciless daughter approached her at an incredible fast pace, reaching up to her and pus.h.i.+ng her down into the ground once more!


She quickly began to tear down her mother's legs one by one, inhibiting her movements and then she used her claws coated in shadow magic as spears, piercing her mother's head and pulverizing it with constant attacks!

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+

The constant attacks continued to pierce through the Spider Empress head, until it began to tear apart due to the enormous damage, the spider empress tried to fight back with magic, but her daughter had already taken a great initiative, and wouldn't let go of her!



Suddenly, the Spider Empress entire head exploded into pieces, dying on the spot!


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 550: Clash Of Giants 1

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 550: Clash Of Giants 1 summary

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