Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 651 - Enjoying Orange Treats

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Chapter 651 - Enjoying Orange Treats


Apparently, I cannot do big money transactions without being part of the merchant guild, so this nice man named Jarunn decided to help me register in the guild right away and without fee? Well, I believe he'll just discount it out of the money he'll give to me.

"Sure, I accept. How can I register?" I asked.

"It is already done, I've filled most of your info with what you shared, I just need your sign in here. The special card is made of Magisteel, and it is very hard to destroy, that one costs a lot of gold coins, but we'll discount it out of what we'll pay to you. Aside from that there is this fee that you have to pay for the transaction, but it will receive a discount for being a member of the guild." Said the merchant. "Aside from that, I think that's it."

"I see, when can I receive this card?" I asked.

"It takes a day to get it, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow morning, I am sorry for that." Said Jarunn.

"Oh, no, that's fine by me, don't worry." I said. "We can wait."

"Until then, please have this money for the moment, if you need anything else feel free to ask me. Tomorrow you'll receive the rest of the payment." Said Jarunn. "Base din looks alone, your mana stones are of an incredible quality that it has yet to be discovered, so it is very impressive that you've managed to create them… It is a valuable item that we'll buy for a good price, so don't worry, you'll be well paid for the item you've made."

"Thanks, that's very rea.s.suring of you." I said. "Then I will be on my way."

I grabbed the leather bag with approximately a few hundreds gold coins and gold plates, which are equivalents to 100 gold coins each. With this we had more than enough to survive through the day, I also got some silver coins for things that cost less.

Having that out of the way, we walked outside of the merchant guild and moved towards the plaza, the village had a small fountain where they put some orange trees around, there were various seats made out of stone over the gra.s.s, with children and families enjoying the nice sun, so we decided to go enjoy the day there.

I began to speak with my friends about what had happened there.

"So you're becoming a merchant right away? That's good, I guess that guy had a sharp eye." Said Rakasha. "But you also did good in not telling him too much, just telling him you're the sect master from an obscure sect is enough, if we tell them you're an Emperor then they'll make a bigger fuss over it, sects don't seem to be seen as more special in these areas, but Kingdoms and Nations do. Reminds me of Midgard and the other continents."

"I see that Sects are more like a part of nations than their own governances… Of course there are exceptions, like that one Alliance thingy." Said Tisha. "Is that Alliance…?"

"Yeah, it is an alliance between sects and also nations, it includes everything pretty much." Said Benladann. "There is this one group that was made by the Venerable of Ice, but I don't know how we could call it, I guess calling it a court is the best way to describe it, because it is way too big for being a mere sect but also it doesn't have citizens for it to be something like a nation."

"Well, whatever's the case, we got a lot of gold coins now so we can go buy some food and booze or something to pa.s.s the day until tomorrow." I said. "I would register in the adventurer guild but I want to do it in the duchy, the big city probably has better systems."

"Can we register in the adventurer guild as well?" wondered Yuki. "I wonder if a former monster could become an adventurer."

"I think you could, we just have to tell them you were born as a beast-kin and that's it." I said. "I am going to register as a tamer, as I said previously, it is the best way to mask the reason why I have so many monsters following me around."

"I agree, it is a good strategy, tamers are not uncommon but also not that common either, there are people born with enslaving spells that work in certain types of monsters." Said Rakasha. "Through that, it is possible to easily tame weakened monsters that are almost beaten to death, although you might be an exception in some cases…"

"I guess… Is there any dungeon around though?" wondered Pekora. "I've seen the Adventurers group around the Adventurers Guild talk about the dungeon, there are many quests that ask for specific materials and stuff from each monster that roam these small dungeons."

"Oh, there might be then… We would have to ask the locals for that though." I said. "However, I am feeling like lazing around so maybe later…"

"Frozen Orange Juice! Come buy your Frozen Orange Juice! Only fifteen coins for a big portion!"

A person began to sell orange ice cream, which seemed quite tasty, and Benladra and Benladann quickly looked at me with eyes as if wanting it…

"Benladann, you got your own money too, I can't just buy it all." I sighed.

"Oh right, I also traded my own mana stones…! Hey! Orange guy!" said Benladann, as she ran towards the man, he was a young dwarf, so he was very small compared to her.

"Y-Yes, big lady? Do you want a portion?" he asked with a nervous smile.

"Yeah, and one for my daughter and husband…" she said, taking out a silver coin. "Do you guys want some?"

Everyone nodded so everyone got this form of "ice cream" which was just frozen orange juice, at the end while sitting around the plaza and enjoying the sun above. It was a pretty good cold snack to pa.s.s the time.

And while we enjoyed this, more drama began to emerge with the guards and the sect disciples when they suddenly saw a group of lizardmen wandering near the border of the forest…


Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 651 - Enjoying Orange Treats

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 651 - Enjoying Orange Treats summary

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