Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 652 - The Pastoralist Lizardmen Tribe

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Chapter 652 - The Pastoralist Lizardmen Tribe


In the depths of the jungle, Fuyu was camouflaging herself using powerful magic conjured by Drake. This powerful magic combined skills he possessed with runes he created and infused into her body, alongside that, he also used the Illusion Magic's Spell "Camouflage" and "Illusory Veil" to make it all even more invisible.

Although her size was gigantic, she was transparent. However, many of the inhabitants of the jungle, although incapable of seeing her, were able to detect her presence, and also the several crushed trees beneath her that were suddenly leaving the jungle with a big empty spot where anyone that went through it would see crushed trees.

They would also stumble upon an invisible magic barrier that didn't allowed them to walk any further, and more or less, they thought a G.o.d, or something had descended, some sort of holy spirit, or whatever the people of the forest thought they could be.

This large area of greenery was dominated by several small tribes of monsters and demi-humans, although the lizardmen were the most prominent, and they had split into three tribes, with the largest populations of hundreds if not over a thousand.

Meanwhile, the smaller tribes were of reclusive beast-kin who enjoyed the wilderness of this enormous jungle that spanned over thousands of kilometers and covered a gigantic chunk of the ma.s.sive continent of Jotunheim, it was nothing to scoff at. Even more, the jungle was so big and expansive that it was its own world by itself, with its own wars and more, an untapped place by the giants that dominated this continent due to the dangerous Rank 2 and above monsters that lived everywhere.

It was such a dangerous place that it was quite obvious that most of the commoner population would never be able to actually enter that place and see what was truly inside, the many tribes of the jungle all were in constant changes, fighting or living in harmony with nature, sometimes monsters themselves would attack them and once enemy tribes would have to join together for the same goal of survival, and so on.

And although Fuyu had landed at the border of the jungles that led to the marshlands, she had already been noticed long ago by the inhabitants.

Many wondered what she was, and why was she here to begin with. What as her purpose in all of this? And why was there such a strong barrier that they couldn't see but feel with their other senses?

The first ones to detect Fuyu in this small frame of time since she landed here was the nearest tribe of lizardmen to the Orange Village, a tribe of once peaceful lizardmen that were forced to move out of their safer territories away from the jungles and moved back, mostly deciding to only live in the borders as the deeper they went, the more dangerous monsters would show up and the other tribes of lizardmen with larger populations and more tyrannical leaders didn't seemed to welcome them.

This tribe called themselves the "Pastoralists" and had adopted the ability to tame monsters and raise them as cattle, this way they were able to survive in the gra.s.slands right outside of the forest where they were happy, but ended being thrown away from there by the duchy and the kingdom of frost tear…

Of course, many of them were resentful, and the entire tribe, which was once made of 300 hundred was split, with over two hundred of the lizardmen going away into the depths of the jungle, joining other tribes, and deciding to plan their revenge, while the less than hundred that stayed were more pacifist, and decided to live in the border of the jungle.

Originally, they had even tried to make a friendly relations.h.i.+p with the people that once threw them away from the gra.s.slands, but that also ended when their chief was killed, which was actually the breaking point that made many of them end up separating themselves from the original group.

And now, whatever was left of the Pastoralist Tribe had been surviving by raising their cattle, which are large sheep-like monsters with three horns over their heads, and through hunting and foraging… their children are often known to go outside the forest at night and steal oranges from the orange forests of the village, which are often scared off by the guards who pity them enough to not kill them.

Although chaos and malice had been brewing from the depths of the jungle as a dark force had awakened within its depths and has been commanding the lizardmen there to plan some sort of invasion, the pastoralist from here had still been living peaceful lives and attempting to be at ease…

Although such daily life was interrupted in this scenario where an invisible ent.i.ty has fallen from the sky, and was blocking a large area from the jungle with an invisible magical barrier.

The new elder of the tribe, the once young son of the previous elder that, over the years had grown into a strong lizardman that used his strength and the leaders.h.i.+p his father taught to him to guide his people had bene growing increasingly worried about the situation going on in here.

He not only had to deal with the gang of kids that constantly attempt to steal oranges from the dangerous neighbors, but now he had to deal with this mysterious force or ent.i.ty, or whatever it was that had landed here, and what sort of bad omen it could mean to them…

A large lizardmen sat down cross-legged inside of his wood-made home, which was made above a shallow swamp where the lizardmen felt more at ease, and where they were also able to capture fish to eat whenever they were short in their prominent food, the Bahaness, the sheep-like monster they raise.

His entire body was covered in hard, almost metallic-like green-colored scales, and a thick crocodile-like tail extended below his back, being almost two meters long. His head was similar to that of a large lizard, such as a comodo dragon, although his eyes were not beastly, but filled with sharpness and intelligence…

The door of his home suddenly opened, as a beautiful lizardman girl entered.



Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 652 - The Pastoralist Lizardmen Tribe

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Epic Of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon With A System Chapter 652 - The Pastoralist Lizardmen Tribe summary

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