The Rolliad Part 44

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PITT and PRETTY came from College To serve themselves, and serve the state; And the world must all acknowledge Half is done--so half may wait: For PRETTY says, 'tis rather new, When even _half_ they say--is _true_.


The Devil's a dealer in lyes, and we see That two of a trade never yet could agree; Then DOCTOR proceed, and d--m------n despise, What Devil would take such a rival in lyes.



The Devil and PRETTY a treaty have made, On a permanent footing to settle their trade; 'Tis the Commerce of Lying,--and this is the law; The Devil _imports_ him all lyes that are raw_;_ Which, check'd by no _docket_, unclogg'd with a fee, The _Priest_ manufactures, and vends _duty free_; Except where the lye gives his conscience such trouble, The _internal_ expence should have recompence double.

Thus to navigate falsehood no bar they'll devise; But h.e.l.l must become the EMPORIUM of Lyes.

Nay, the Bishops themselves, when in pulpit they bark it, Must supply their consumption, from Satan's _own market_, While _reciprocal tribute_ is paid for the whole In a surplusage _d--mn--g_ of P--TTY--'s soul.



_By the_ Chevalier de BOUFFLERS.

"PRETTIMAN est menteur, il s'est moque de nous"

"(Se crient en courroux tous les sots d'Angleterre)"

Calmez vous donc, Messieurs--eh! comment savez vous Si c'est bien un mensonge, ou si c'est un mystere?


_By_ Professor HEYNE, _of the_ UNIVERSITY _of_ GOTTINGEN.

_In Dominum_ PITTUM _Doctoremque_ PRETTYMANNUM, _Figulus_ loquitur--Scena, Vicus, vulgo dictus _Downing_.

Vivitur hic, cives, pacto quo denique? Rhetor Ecce loqui refugit; scribere scriba negat.



Falsiloquusne Puer magis, an fallacior ille Scriba? Puer fallax, scribaque falsiloquus.


_By_ COMTE CASIMIR, _a descendant of the famous_ CASIMIR, _the great Latin Poet of_ POLAND.

BELLUS h.o.m.o atque _pius_ vis idem dicier--At tu Mendax, unde Pius? Bellus es unde, Strabo?


_By_ FATHER MOONY, _Parish Priest of_ KILGOBBIN.

A Mick na braaga Streepy poga ma Thone Na vuishama da Ghob, Oghone! Oghone!


[1]_By_ EUGENIUS, _Archbishop of_ SLAVENSK _and_ KHERSON, _in Russia, and Author of a Translation of_ VIRGIL'S GEORGICS _into_ Greek Hexameters.

?e?d?? ??? ?e?e?? a?s???eta?. ???e s' a?????, O ?e?d?? ?e?e?, ?a? ?e?d?e??a ?e????.

Falsa-dicens Sacerdos non erubescit. Utinam te vere O falsa-dicens Sacerdos, et fals-te-sacerdotem-dicentem appellarem.



?e?d?? ??t?? ???? ?? pa?seta?. ?? de ?e??a?

?e???d' a?t?s e??? p?t' ep?s??p??, ?? e? eas?, ? ?e?d?? d' ?e?e?? ?a? ?e?d?e?e?? ta?' a? e??.

Falsa dicere ille omnino non desinet. Si vero fierem Talis vlri ipse ego quandoque Episcopus, non equidem sinerem Falsa-dicens autem sacerdos et qui-se-falso-sacerdotem diceret cito foret.


_By_ Mons. VILLOISON, _the celebrated Grecian and French Editor of_ LONGINUS, &c. &c.

Ad amic.u.m quendam qui DOCTOREM PRETTIMANNUM _sacerdotem_ appellaret.

a. ?e?de?? ??? ?????. t? de t?? ?e?d???' ?????

??? ste ?ae???; . ?????S ?' ??? ????S ?e?eta?.

a. Mentiri non _sacrum_. Quid ver mentientem _sacerdotem_ Oportet te vocare? b. _Sacerdos_ & non _sacer_ dicitur.



In quel bel d, ch'il DIO del VERO nacque, Per tutto il mondo tacque Ogni Oracol mendace in ogni fano.

Cosi va detto, ma si e detto in vano.

Ecco, in quest' isola remota, anch'ora L'Oracola s'adora D'un giovinetto Febo, che a le genti Per un suo sacerdote manda fnora Quel, ch'ei risponde a lusingar lor menti; In guisa, che puo far chiamar verace L'Oracolo de' Grechi piu mendace.



Io non ho mai veduto un s bel PRETTIMANNO, Con un s gran Perrucho, e d' occhi s _squintanno_.


_In the language of_ OTAHEITE.--_By M. de_ BOUGAINVILLE.

(_With an interlined Translation, according to Capt._ COOK's GLOSSARY.)

The Rolliad Part 44

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