Juvenile Styles Part 3

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Embroidering (see swatch).

Fold back in half at neck edge, place a marker. Count 7 sts on left side of marker. With red yarn insert tapestry needle from wrong side to right side. *Now insert needle over 1 thread and down 1 thread, bringing needle from wrong to right side 2 threads below, repeat from *to bottom of coat. Count 7 sts to right of marker, with red, make another row in same manner. Fasten ends securely. Count 14 sts on either side of these 2 rows and make 1 more row with red, in same manner. With yellow work 1 row on next thread to right side of each red row. Measure 2 inches from bottom of back, with red make a running st, inserting needle over 1 thread and under 2 threads across row, do not pull too tightly. *Skip 17 rows of knitting and on 18th row, make another running st with red, repeat from *to top of coat. With green make 1 row below red in same manner.

_Fronts_--On 5th row from shoulder edge, with red, work from top to bottom same as back. Count 14 rows, with red, make another row in same manner. Measure 2 inches from bottom, work running sts with red and green to match back.

_Sleeves_--Make same st from top of sleeve to bottom starting in center of sleeve, with red and yellow. Skip 14 rows on either side make one more row, with red and yellow. Work running sts with red and green starting 2 inches from bottom of coat, every 18th row to top of sleeve.

Sew shoulder seams.

_Collar_--Holding wrong side of coat toward you, pick up 52 sts. P 1 row, K 1 row, knitting first and last 3 sts on P rows for border for inch. Inc in every 6th st across row. Work inch even. Inc in every 7th st across. Work inch even. Inc every 8th st across. Work inch even. Work 3 ribs in garter st, bind off loosely on wrong side.

Sew Back to Fronts and sew up sleeves, insert into armholes, having seams meet at underarm. Make two small inverted pleats at top of sleeves. Insert zipper.


Starting at side of front. With No. 5 needles, cast on 20 sts, P 1 row, K 1 row for 3 rows, inc 1 st at beg of next row (place marker, this is back edge). Work 3 rows even. Inc 1 st at beg of next row, continue to inc 1 st at beg of every 4th row, until you have 29 sts. Work even until piece measures 8 inches from beg. Now dec 1 st at back edge every 4th row, until you have 20 sts. Work 3 rows even, bind off.

_Back_--Cast on 32 sts. P 1 row, K 1 row, for 1 inch. *On next row, inc 1 st at beg and end, work 1 inch even, repeat from *until piece measures 4 inches, 40 sts. *Now work 3 rows even, dec 1 st at beg and end of next K row, repeat from *2 more times (34 sts). K 2 tog at beg and end of every row, until 26 sts remain. Fold front piece of cap in half crosswise, place marker. Count 9 sts on each side of marker. With red yarn make a running st inserting needle over one thread and under 2 threads across row, do not pull too tightly. Skip 9 sts from other side of marker, work another row in same manner. Work 2 more rows, 18 rows from each side of rows just finished. With green work one more row in same manner 1 st above. Count 8 rows from straight end of piece, work yarn lengthwise with red as follows: *Insert needle over one thread and down one thread bringing needle from wrong to right side 2 threads below. Repeat from *to end of piece. Count 14 rows (about 2 inches from end of piece), with red make another row in same manner. With yellow make another row in same manner one thread above.

Sew inch hem on straight end of front piece; sew other end to back piece (place marker at center of each piece first). Work 2 rows of s c around bottom of cap. Attach small bows made of grosgrain ribbon leaving ends to tie. Attach feather as shown on ill.u.s.tration.


_Purse_--Cast on 26 sts, P 1 row, K 1 row for 4 inches or enough rows to make a perfect square. Work another piece in same manner. Embroider stripes same as in coat about inch from sides. Sew 2 sides tog s c around other 2 sides. Strap--Ch 4, work 1 s c in 2nd ch from hook, 1 s c in each of the next 2 sts. *Ch 1, turn, work 1 s c in each of the 3 sts, repeat from *until piece measures 8 inches. Sew ends to top of squares.

Insert 2 four inch zippers (or 1 zipper if preferred). Attach ta.s.sels on zipper ends, made with a few strands of yarn.


No. 806


Size--6 Months to one year

_Needles_--_No. 3 American Standard._

_Material_--_Kashmir Fleece--5 one ounce b.a.l.l.s._

_ yard of Elastic._

_13 Pearl b.u.t.tons._

_Gauge_--_8 sts to 1 inch._


_Back_--Starting at bottom, cast on 76 sts (80 sts, size 1), K 1, P 1 for 2 inches. K 1 row, P 1 row for 4 inches, (5 inches, size 1).

Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then K 2 tog at beg of the next 4 rows (64 sts). Work even for 3 inches (3 inches, size 1). K 6 rows (3 ribs). On next row K 20, bind off 24 sts loosely, K 20. On these 20 sts, P 1 row, K 1 row for 4 rows, K 2 rows, bind off loosely. Fasten thread at beg of the other shoulder and work in same manner.

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 806

The suit consists of slip-over cardigan and panties and is just the thing for a One Year Old to wear when welcoming his--or her--First Birthday Party guests. The king of the house will do justice to this handsome suit.]

_Front_--Work front same as for back to underarm. Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then K 2 tog at beg of the next 4 rows (64 sts). On next purled row, P 31, K 2, P 31. K back. On next purled row, P 25, K 2, P 4, K 2, P 4, K 2, P 25. K back. Continue pattern in this manner 6 more sts in pattern on each side, on purled rows, until all sts are in pattern. Work in pattern until armhole measures same as for back, having last 3 ribs K in garter st. On next row, K 20, bind off 24 sts loosely, K 20. On these 20 sts, K 4 rows (2 ribs), on next row, work b.u.t.tonholes as follows: K 4 sts at shoulder edge, bind off 2, K 4, bind off 2, K 4, bind off 2, K 2. On next row, cast on 2 sts over those bound off. K 2 more rows, bind off. Work other shoulder to correspond. Fold shoulders tog, having b.u.t.tonholes overlap the stockinette st band. When picking up sleeve sts, pick up sts thru both pieces at top of shoulder.

_Sleeves_--Pick up 58 sts, starting after the 6 bound off sts, to 6 bound off sts at other end. P back, pick up 2 sts at each end of every row, until all sts are picked up (70 sts). *Work inch or 4 rows, K 2 tog at beg and end of next row, repeat from *until sleeve measures 6 inches (46 sts). K 1, P 1 (ribbing), for 1 inch, bind off loosely. Sew on b.u.t.tons with tape on shoulder piece. Boat is worked in cross st.i.tch as shown on ill.u.s.tration.


_Back_--Starting at bottom, cast on 76 sts (80 sts, size 1), K 1, P 1 for 2 inches. K 1 row, P 1 row for 5 inches (5 inches, size 1). Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then K 2 tog at beg of the next 4 rows (64 sts). Work even for 3 inches (3 inches, size 1). K 6 rows (3 ribs). On next row K 20, bind off 24 sts loosely, K 20. On these 20 sts, P 1 row, K 1 row for 4 rows. (Put other 20 sts on st holder). Now inc 1 st at beg of every K row at neck edge, until you have 30 sts. Cast on 5 sts at neck edge. P 1 row, K 1 row always keeping last 5 sts K on purled rows for border. Work 1 inches from beginning of border, then inc 1 st at end of K rows, 2 times at underarm, then cast on 4 sts at underarm. Work even for 5 inches continuing border. K 1, P 1 ribbing for 2 inches, bind off loosely, K 1, P 1. Work right front to correspond.

Start b.u.t.tonholes 1 inch from beg of border as follows: K 3, bind off 2, P across. On next row, cast on 2 sts over those bound off. Continue 5 more b.u.t.tonholes 1 inches apart.

_Band at Neck_--Pick up 82 sts, K 1, P 1 ribbing for 1 row, on next row, K 1, P 1, K 1, bind off 2 sts, K 1, P 1 across row. On next row cast on 3 sts over those bound off. K 1, P 1 for 2 more rows, bind off, K 1, P 1.

_Sleeves_--Pick up 58 sts, starting after the 6 bound off sts, to 6 bound off sts at other end. P back. Pick up 2 sts at each end of every row, until all sts are picked up (70 sts). *Work inch or 4 rows, K 2 tog at beg and end of next row, repeat from *until sleeve measures 6 inches (46 sts). K 1, P 1 (ribbing), for 1 inch, bind off loosely. Sew up side seams and sleeves. Sew on b.u.t.tons with ribbon on wrong side.


Cast on 76 sts, loosely (80 sts, size 1), K 1, P 1 for 6 rows. Next row, K 1, *Y O, K 2 tog, repeat from *across row. K 1, P 1 for 6 more rows.

K 1 row, P 1 row for 7 inches from start (7 inches, size 1). To start shaping of crotch; K 36, inc in next st, K 2, inc in next st, K 36, P back. K 36, inc in next st, K 4, inc in next st, K 36, P back. K 36 sts and inc in same manner, having 2 more sts between increases until you have 6 sts between increases. Bind off 4 sts at beg of each row (continue to inc for crotch in same manner), until all sts are bound off on each side of crotch (24 sts). K 1 row, P 1 row on these 24 sts (crotch) for 1 inches. Cast on 4 sts at end of every row and dec in same manner as you increased, thus having 2 sts less on each K row, between crotch. K 1 row, P 1 row on 76 sts, for 6 inches (7 inches, size 1). K 1, P 1, for 6 rows. Next row, K 1, *Y O, K 2 tog, repeat from *across row. K 1, P 1 for 6 more rows, bind off loosely. Pick up 80 sts around each leg, K 1, P 1, ribbing for 1 inch, bind off loosely. Fold tog on wrong side easing longer side in for back. Tape with elastic.


_Land of Nod_

No. 807


Size 6 Months to 1 Year

_Needles_--_1 Pair American Standard No. 2 and 4. 4 Double point, No. 4. (For Mitts)._

_Material_--_Jacket--5 ounces (Germantown 4-Fold used in complete ensemble). Leggins--5 ounces. Hood--2 ounces. Mitts--1 ounce.

Shoes--1 ounce. Afghan--12 ounces. Imported Angora--2 b.a.l.l.s.


_Gauge_--_6 sts to 1 inch._

Juvenile Styles Part 3

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