Juvenile Styles Part 4

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_Back_--With No. 4 needles, cast on 58 sts. (64 sts, size 1). *P 4 sts, K 2, repeat from *across row, ending with P 4. K next row (right side).

Repeat these two rows for 6 inches. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then K 2 sts tog at beg of the next 6 rows (46 sts). Work even for 4 inches (4, size 1), measuring straight up from where the 3 sts were bound off. Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 6 rows, bind off remaining sts for back of neck.

_Left Front_--Cast on 30 sts (32 sts, size 1). *P 4, K 2, repeat from *across row, ending with K 2. K next row. Repeat these 2 rows for 6 inches. On the P 2 gore, bind off 4 sts for underarm, then K 2 sts tog at beg of every row at underarm 3 times (7 sts off). Work even for 3 inches (3 size 1). On next row that begins at neck edge, bind off 5 sts, follow pattern across. P 2 sts tog at beg of every row that begins at neck edge until 14 sts remain. Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 3 rows that begin at shoulder and continue to K 2 sts tog at neck edge, until all sts are bound off.

_Right Front_--Work right front to correspond having K 4 gores meet for zipper.

_Sleeves_--Cast on 34 sts (38 sts, size 1), P 4, K 2 across row, K back.

Work in pattern for 2 inches. Inc 1 st on each side every inch until sleeve measures 6 inches from start. Bind off 3 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then bind off 2 sts at beg of the next 2 rows (5 sts off on each side). Now K 2 sts tog at beg and end of every 4th row, until 20 sts remain, bind off. Sew up seams at underarm and shoulders. Sew sleeves tog, insert sleeves into armholes.

_Collar_--With wrong side towards you pick up 52 sts. *P 4, K 2, repeat from *across row ending with P 4. K back. Work 4 more rows in pattern.

On wrong side make an inc in each K 2 gore. Work in pattern until collar measures 2 inches, bind off loosely. Work 1 row of s c around collar and fronts. Sew on zipper.


_Cuff_--With No. 2 needles, cast on 40 sts (46 sts, size 1), K 1, P 1 for 14 rows. Change to No. 4 needles, K 1, P 1 for 3 more rows. K next row, increasing every 6th st across row. P 1 row, K 1 row, increasing every 6th row at beg and end, until you have 62 sts. Now inc in every 4th row, until you have 68 sts. Inc in every 2nd row until you have 78 sts (86 sts, size 1), or desired length to crotch. Work 2 rows even. *On next K row, bind off 2 sts, K to end of row. On next purled row, P 2 sts tog (place marker for back) repeat from *once. Work 2 rows even, dec 1 st at beg and end of next 2 K rows. Now dec 1 st every 6th row at front edge, 6 times, meanwhile dec every 8th row at back edge, 2 times. Work 6 rows even (10 rows, size 1). On next purled row, P 28, turn, slip first st. K to back edge, P 22, K back, P 16. K back, P 10, K back, P 5, K back. P across all sts. Change to No. 2 needles, K 1, P 1 for 4 rows. On next row, K 2, *Y O, K 2 tog, repeat from *across row. K 1, P 1 for 4 more rows, bind off loosely, K 1, P 1. Work other leg to correspond. Sew each leg tog up to crotch; sew front and back seams. Ch 160 sts, insert thru beading.


Starting at first half of neck edge, cast on 44 sts (48 sts, size 1), work in garter st (K each row), for 4 inches. To start peak at top: *dec 1 st by knitting the 2nd and 3rd sts tog, place marker, this side will be referred to as back. Inc in 3rd st at front edge. K 4 rows (2 ribs), repeat from *once (5 inches) from start. Now bind off 10 sts at beg of front edge and K 2 tog at beg of next row at back edge. Continue to K 2nd and 3rd sts tog at beg of every row at back edge and K 2 tog at beg and end of every row at front edge, until you have 16 sts. Continue in same manner at back edge and work even at front, until you have 10 sts.

Now inc in first st at beg of front edge and bind off 2 sts at beg of every row at back edge, until you have 4 sts, bind off. Work another piece in same manner and sew tog.

_Band at Neck_--Cast on 4 sts, work in garter st for 20 inches, bind off. Sew band to bottom of hood gathering hood to fit snug, leave ends to tie.

_Pompom_--With a small card board, 1 inches in width, wrap yarn around cardboard 36 times, sew at one end, cut at other. Make 2 more in same manner, sew 3 pieces together, trim.


Cast 10 sts on first needle, 10 sts on 2nd needle, 10 sts on 3rd needle, with 4th needle K 1, P 1 for 6 rows. *Y O, K 2 tog, repeat from *for 1 round. K 1, P 1 for 6 rows. Remainder of mitten is K. Inc 1 st on each needle 33 sts. Work 2 inches even. (2 inches, size 1). *K 3, K 2 tog, repeat from *for 1 round. Work 4 rows even. *K 2, K 2 tog, repeat from *for 1 round. *Work 1 round even. K 1, K 2 tog, repeat from *until 10 sts remain. Weave sts tog or bind off, fold and sew. Ch 80 sts, tape thru beading of cuff. Put ends of ch thru cuff of sweater and tie.


Cast on 8 sts, K back. K 3, inc in each of the next 2 sts, K 3. K 2 rows. K 4, inc in each of the next 2 sts, K 4. K 2 rows. Continue in this manner, until you have 24 sts. K 9, Y O, K 2 tog, K 3, Y O, K 2 tog, K 8. K 4 rows. K 8, put on st holder, bind off 8, K 8. K back on 8 sts, cast on 4, K back. On next row, *K 7, Y O, K 2 tog, K 3. K 3 rows, repeat from *5 times, put on st holder. Work other side to correspond.

Pick up 60 sts. *P back. K next row and dec 1 st at beg and end and 3 sts in center, s.p.a.ced at equal distances apart, repeat from *2 times.

Weave these sts tog or bind off and sew. Weave back sts tog or bind off and sew. Ch 80 sts, tape thru beading.


24 inches width.

32 inches length.

_Gauge_--_5 sts to 1 inch._

_Pattern_--_Multiple of 11, plus 10 sts._

With No. 5 needles, cast on 142 sts, *K 10, sl 1 st, repeat from *across row, end row with K 10. Next row, P back, purling the sl st. Repeat these 2 rows for 32 inches. With Angora or contrasting shade of yarn, embroider as follows: Insert needle from wrong side to right side, on left side at the sl st. *Skip 1 sl st, insert needle from right to left, thru next sl st, repeat from *to length of robe. Do not break thread, insert needle from right to left working from bottom to top (Making an X). Work 3 rows of s c around robe, working 3 sts in corners.

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 807

Five Piece Ensemble, with Carriage Robe for a tiny Baby. What a pleasure you will have in fondling the well dressed baby who has the foresight to have in his wardrobe this five piece suit, consisting of leggings, cap, jacket, mittens and shoes. The jacket has a convenient Zipper front. To finish, you may trim with angora or a contrasting shade of yarn may be used.]

_A Sailor's Sweetheart_

No. 808


Size 4 to 6 years

_1 Bone Crochet Hook, size 3._

_Material_--_Cashmere Sports, 4 two ounce b.a.l.l.s. One-half ounce ball white and red. 6 gold b.u.t.tons._

_Back_--Ch 68 (to measure about 12 inches). (72 chs, size 6). Work 1 s c in 2nd ch from hook, s c in each ch. Ch 1, turn, work 12 rows of s c. On 13th row, inc in every 7th st across row (76 s c). Next row, ch 2, turn, insert hook in 2nd ch from hook, draw yarn thru, insert needle in first s c, wrap, draw thru 2 loops, wrap thru 2 more (same as d c). *Insert needle in large loop of st, draw thru, insert needle in next s c, complete same as d c, repeat from *across row (right side). Ch 1, turn, s c in each st across row. Repeat these 2 rows for 8 inches. On next s c row, s c to within last 3 sts, ch 2, turn, follow pattern across row to within last 3 sts. Ch 1, turn, s c across row; do not s c in last 2 sts, ch 2, follow pattern across row, do not work in last 2 sts. Follow pattern across for the next 6 rows and do not work in last st of each row (8 sts off on each side). Work in pattern for 5 inches, or desired length to shoulder. On next s c row, *s c to within last 6 sts, ch 1, turn, s c to within last 6 sts at other end, (remainder of back is worked in s c rows), repeat from *2 more times, break thread.

[Ill.u.s.tration: No. 808

This young lady is wearing one of the most colorful of jackets.

Crocheted in Royal Blue, with a white sailor collar that has a touch of red--so three cheers for the Red, White and Blue. An added bit of glamour is the gold b.u.t.tons down the front. s.h.i.+p ahoy!]

_Left Front_--Ch 34, (36 chs, size 6) work 1 s c in 2nd ch from hook, work 1 s c in each ch across row. Ch 1, turn, work 12 rows of s c. On 13th row, inc in every 7th st across row. Work same as back to underarm.

On next s c row, work to within last 3 sts of underarm. Ch 2, follow pattern across row. On next row, s c to within last 2 sts, *ch 2. Follow pattern across row, on next row, s c to within last st, repeat from *3 times. (9 sts off at underarm). When piece measures about 1 inches from underarm work pocket as follows: Work over 6 sts from underarm side. Pocket: With another strand of yarn, ch 17 sts loosely, work in pattern for 2 inches, break thread, insert pocket. Continue pattern on pocket for 16 sts and skip 16 on sweater; continue across front. Follow pattern until front measures 10 inches from bottom at front edge, dec 2 sts at front edge (by not working in last s c and the turning cr).

Work even at armhole edge, and do not work in last st of every row at neck edge, until you have 20 sts. When piece measures same as back to shoulder, s c to within last 6 sts at shoulder edge, 2 times (same as back), and continue to dec at neck 2 more times. Work right front to correspond, omitting pocket.

_Sleeves_--Ch 41 sts (to measure about 6 inches), (45 chs, size 6). Work 1 s c in 2nd ch from hook, s c in each ch to end of row. Ch 1, turn, work 10 rows of s c. On 11th row inc 4 sts across row at equal distances apart. Work in pattern same as for back for 1 inch. On next row, inc 1 st on each side. Continue to inc 1 st on each side every inch until you have 60 sts across row. Work even until sleeve measures 10 inches from bottom of cuff or desired length to underarm. *On next row work to within 3 sts at end of row, repeat from *once. On next row work to within 2 sts at end of row, repeat from *once (50 sts). Now work to within 1 st of each row until you have 28 sts left. Sew shoulder scams and sides. Sew sleeves and insert into armholes making a small inverted pleat at top.

Starting at right front, work 1 row of s c completely around fronts and neck. Work 3 more rows of s c on left front, break thread. Work 1 row of s c on right front making ch 3 loops for b.u.t.tonholes about 2 inches apart. Work 2 more rows of s c over chains. Work 2 rows of s c of red on pocket, 2 rows of white, sew ends.

_Collar_--Ch 49 sts, work 1 s c in 2nd ch from hook, s c in each ch across row. Work in pattern for 3 inches. Work over 12 sts. Dec 1 st (by not working in last st) at end of every s c row on outer edge of collar until you have 2 sts. Work other side of collar to correspond. Work 1 row of s c around outside edge of collar, increasing 2 sts in each corner. Work 2 rows of blue, 2 rows of red. Sew to jacket.


No. 809

Juvenile Styles Part 4

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