The Story of the Great Fire in St. John, N.B., June 20th, 1877 Part 11
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Gavin, P. Liquors Water St.
Hall, David H. Sewing Machines Germain St.
Hill, Rowland & Co. Crockery Mkt. Square.
Hall & Fairweather Flour South Whf.
Hall, Thos. H. Books King St.
Hamilton, Lounsbury & Co. Manufacturer's agents Germain St.
Hammond, E. P. Sewing machines King St.
Holden, Chas. Physician Princess St.
Hanford, Bros. Commission Nelson St.
Health Lift Co. R. J. Moffatt, agent Germain St.
Hanington, Bros. Drugs King St.
Hanington, Thos. B. Auctioneer Princess St.
Harding, Chas. E. Lumber yard Reed's Pt.
Harding, John H. Mining agent Prince William St.
Harrison, J. & W. F. Flour North Mk. Whf.
Harrison, Matthew Boots and shoes Prince William St.
Hart, S. H. Cigars " "
Hammond, John Shoemaker " "
Hatfield & Gregory s.h.i.+p chandlers North Whf.
Hatheway, Dr. J. C. Dentist Germain St.
Hatheway, Dr. Can. " "
Hatheway, W. H. Fish Hawker, W. Drugs Prince William St.
Hay, A. & J. Jewellers King St.
Hayes, Edw. Baker Mill St.
Hayward, S. & Co. Hardware Prince William St.
Hamilton & Gray Barbers " "
Hayward, W. H. Crockery " "
Hegan J. & J. & Co. Dry goods " "
Hevenor & Co. Bra.s.s-founders Water St.
Hillman, W. H. Silver-plater Charlotte St.
Hilyard, C. E. Commission North Whf.
Holstead & Co. Trunks Water St.
Holstead, John S. Stevedore "
Horn, John Liquors "
Hubbard, W. D. W. Auctioneer Canterbury St.
Hughes, John E. Custom House broker Prince William St.
Hunter, James Locksmith Princess St.
Hunter, Roger Printer Dock St.
Hutchings & Co Mattresses Germain St Hutchinson, Geo Jr Jeweller " "
Hyke, R S International Hotel Prince William St Hinch, James United States Hotel Charlotte St Henderson, Jas D Fruit, etc. Princess St Hanc.o.c.k, F M Fish St James's St
Isbister, O R S Painter Dock St Inches, Dr. P R Physician Germain St Isaacs, Joseph Tobacco Mill St Irvine, Bros. Grocers Germain St
James, S K F s.h.i.+p broker Walker's Whf Jardine & Co Wholesale and retail grocers Prince William St Jarvis, C E L Insurance Princess St Jarvis, Wm M " " "
Jack, Henry " Canterbury St Jewellers' Hall King St Jewett Bros Lumber Office, Water St Jewett, E D & Co " " "
Johnston, James J Tailor King St Jones, Simeon, & Co. Bankers Prince William St Jones, Thos R & Co. Dry goods (wholesale) Canterbury St Jones, Wm Tailor King Square Jones, Mrs. Wm Florist Germain St Jordan, Jas G s.h.i.+p broker Lawton's Whf Jordan, W W Dry goods Mkt Square
Kivenear, Wm Liquors North St Kearns, A G " Dock St Kennedy, Jas Grocer South Whf Kennay, E E. Organs, etc. Germain St Keohan, Thos H Gilder " "
Kerr & Scott Dry goods Mkt Square Kilnapp, Geo Shoemaker Germain St King Bros Groceries Princess St Kinnear Bros Commission Nelson St Kirk, J T & Co. Clothing Mkt Square Kirkpatrick, Hugh " King St Knowles, S N Trunks Germain St Kavanagh, M Liquors Dock St Knox & Thompson Furniture Princess St Knodell Geo A Printer Church St Kaye J J & J S Insurance Princess St Kain Mrs. Green grocer Prince William St
Lumber Exchange H J Leonard, Sec Market Square Larter, S Shoemaker Carmarthen St Landry & Co Organs King St Lantalum, E & Co Junk Union St Lauckner, S J Baker Sydney St Lawton, A G Drugs King St Lawton, Edmund " Prince William St Lawton, James Wharfinger Lawton's whf Lawton, J. Fred Saw manuf North St Lawton, W G Dry goods King St Livingston, John Watchman office Canterbury St Leach, Danl E Billiard saloon Charlotte St Lee J W Stoves Princess St Lee Mrs Intelligence office " "
Lee & Logan Grocers Dock St Leonard, R J s.h.i.+p broker Water St Leonard, S & Co. Fish & s.h.i.+ps Water St Leonard, Robt. Sail maker Water St Lester, E H Auctioneer King St Lewin & Allingham Hardware Market Square Leitch John & Co Woodenware Germain St Lewis Wm B s.h.i.+p smiths Britain St Lipman, S & Son Cigars King St Littlejohn, Thos Liquors North wharf Lloyd & Co Coal Lloyd's wharf Lockhart, W A Auctioneer North wharf Logan, Lindsay & Co. Grocers King St Lordly, Howe & Co. Furniture Germain St Lorimer, J B Grocer Carmarthen St Lorimer, Wm. " South wharf Lunney, Thos. Clothier Dock St Lunt, Enoch & Sons Steamboats Dock St Lyman, C E Machinery agent Market square Lear, James Manufacturer's agent King St Lyons, Ann Second-hand store Germain St Lawton, Benj Boat builder Nelson St Lordly, Mrs Brunswick Hotel Prince William St
McAllister, James Dentist Germain St MacIntyre, R & Co Paint manufacturers Sydney St Maclellan & Co Bankers Prince William St Magee & Co J T Tinware " " "
Magee Bros Dry goods " " "
Malcolm, Andrew Grocer South wharf Manson, Jas. Dry goods King St Maritime Warehousing & Dock Co. Office, North Whf Maritime Bank Jas Domville, M.P., President Mkt Square Maritime Insurance Office Pr. Wm. St.
Co. Wm. Pugsley, Jr., Sec.
Maritime Sewing Machine Co F S Sharpe Charlotte St Marshall, Robt. Insurance agent Pr Wm St Marsters, John F Custom-house broker " " "
Martin, Wm. Clothier Dock Masters, A W Oils, &c Nelson Masters & Patterson Provisions South Whf Maxwell, Elliott & Barclay s.h.i.+psmiths Nelson Maxwell, H & Sons Lumber Britain May, Jas S Tailor Pr Wm St McAndrews, Robt Shoemaker Germain St McAndrews, R jr Grocer King St McArdle, Patk " Pr Wm St Macfee, Wm Blacksmith Ward St McAvity, Thos & Son Hardware Water St McCafferty, Hugh Liquors North Whf McAvenney, Dr A F Dentist Germain St McCourt, Patrick Merchant North St McCarthy, Timothy Coal Water St McSweeney, John s.h.i.+powner Office, Union St McClure, Jas & Co Photographers King St McConnell, Jas Boots and shoes "
McCormack, Jas Clothing Ward St McCulloch, H & H A Dry goods Mkt Sqr McDonough, M Tailor Germain St McDougall, John Cabinet-maker Mill St McFarlane, John R Soap and candles "
McFeeters, W W Clothier Mkt Sqr McGivern, R P Coal North Whf McGill, L Shoes Mill St McCoskery, C A Liquors Pr Wm St McGovern, W F Hatter King St McInnes, J A Tailor Princess St McKenzie & Scott Stone cutters Charlotte St McLachlan, D & Sons Boiler makers York Point Slip McLauchlan, Chas & Son s.h.i.+p-brokers Office, North Wharf McLaughlan, D J Commission North Whf McLean, Wm M s.h.i.+p-broker Office, Peter's Whf McLaren, L Physician Charlotte St McLeod, Geo Merchant Water St McMann, L & Sons W I goods Smyth St McMa.n.u.s, J N Clothing Mkt Sqr McMillan, J & A Booksellers & stationers Prince Wm St Masonic Hall Ritchie's build Princess St McSorley, J Groceries & liquors Duke St Melick, John s.h.i.+p-broker Water St Meneley, W Blockmaker Ward St Merritt, E M Liquors Dock St Merritt, Chas Capitalist Water St Miller, J O Confectioner Charlotte St Milligan, J & R Marble-cutters King Sq Mills, Alf Chronometers Pr Wm St Mitch.e.l.l, John Carver Mitch.e.l.l, John Boots & shoes Pr Wm St Moore, Wm Painter Germain St Moore, Robt Auctioneer King St Moore, Ellen Milliner King St Morrisey, W C Undertaker Charlotte St Morrisey, Patk Liquors Duke St Morrison, Geo jr Grocer South Whf Moulson, Jas Grocer Water St Moynehan, Daniel Clothing Dock St Mullin, Bros " Dock St Mullin, J J " Prince William St Mullin, John Boots and shoes King St " " Liquors Dock St Munroe, John J Trunks Princess St McGinley, W Barber Canterbury St McKillop & Johnston Printers " "
McKillop, John, & Co Geo Em Allen, agent Prince William St McLeod, Ezekiel Official a.s.signee Princess St McAvity, John D Grocer " "
Muldoon, E Liquors Duke St McDonald & Hatfield Clothiers Dock St McAleer, Mrs Liquors Duke St Michaels, M Tobacconist Prince William St Major, Wm Toys " "
Nash, Thos aerated waters Dock St New Brunswick Paper Co T P Davies, manager Canterbury St Nicholson, J W Wines Robertson Place Nicoud, Simon Jeweller Germain St Nixon, Geo Gla.s.s and paper hangings King St n.o.ble, Geo A Boot-maker Canterbury St Notman, W & J Photographers Germain St Normansell, H S Victualler Duke St
O'Brien, Richard Liquors Germain St O'Gorman, John Groceries and liquors Dock St Olive, W H Ticket agent Office, Prince Wm St.
O'Regan, Chas s.h.i.+p broker Office, South Whf O'Connor, T J Boarding-house South Whf Osgood, S P Marble-worker King Square Oulton, Bros s.h.i.+p-broker Office, Water St Oddfellows' Hall Germain St Odell, Mrs Fancy boxes King St O'Hara, Chas Barber Mill St
Provincial Building Society C W Wetmore, Pres Prince William St Paddock, M V Drugs Mill St Partelow, C J Liquors South Whf Partelow, G L " Ward St Patterson, W H Jeweller King St Patton Bros Liquors Water St Patton, Danl Liquors Dock St Peiler, E & Bro Piano dealers Prince William St Pengilly, T M Drugs " " "
Pengilly Oil-clothes " " "
Percival, Purchase & Co Fancy goods King St Peters, Albert Tanner Britain St Peters, Thos W Capitalist Prince William St Phillips, Miss S Hair worker Germain St Philps, Geo Banker Prince William St Potter, C E Painter Germain St Potts, J W Grocer Water St Powers, M N Undertaker Princess St Powers, Stephen Liquor Mill St Price, James Tailor Princess St Prichard & Son Iron Merritt's wharf Pullen, James H Painter Charlotte St Purchase, Wm Watchmaker Dock St Provincial Ins Co H H Reeve, agent Princess St Pattison, Geo Tinsmith Church St Purdy, Wm H s.h.i.+powner Maritime Bank
Quick, Augustus s.h.i.+p Chandler Water St Quinn, P J Dry goods Market Square Quinn, Wm Blocks Britain St
Rankine, Thos & Sons Bakery Mill St Ranney, H R Insurance Prince William St Reeve, H H " Princess St Ray, Chas R Agent Market Square Raymond, Thos F Royal Hotel Prince William St Redmond, P C Clothier Market Square Reid, Miss Kate Boarding Reed, J & R s.h.i.+powners Water St Reed, Thos. M Drugs Market Square Richardson, Alex & Co Saw manufacturers Union St Ring, Z s.h.i.+powner Maritime Bank Ring, Allan M h.o.m.oeopathic Phys Germain St Rising, Wm Grocer South wharf Risk, John Broker Nelson St Richards, John Liquors Prince William St Roberts, D V s.h.i.+p chandler Water St Robertson, C A Livery Stables King's Square Rodgers, James Liquors Charlotte St Robertson & Corbett Grocers, retl King St Robertson, D D & Co s.h.i.+p brokers Smyth St Robertson, Geo Whs grocer Water St Robertson, Le Baron Cigars Prince William St Robertson, R & Son Sailmakers, &c Water St Robinson, C & Co Undertakers Princess St Robinson, C E s.h.i.+pbroker Reed's Point Robinson, T. W. Salt, W I Goods Union St Roop, John Sailmaker Water St Ross, John Saloon Prince William St Rogers, John Tailor Prince William St Ring, G Fred Commission Maritime Bank Rowan, Archd Gasfitter Water St Ruggles, St Clair Grocer Charlotte St Runciman, John Gasfitter Water St Rural Cemetery Co G Sidney Smith, Sec Princess St Russell, J H Hotel King St Rolph, A P Agent Duke St
St John Gas Light Co A Blair, Pres Carmarthen St " Halifax Lithograph Co L D Clark, Manager Church St " Mutual Ins Co O D Wetmore, Sec Princess St " Building Soc C N Skinner, Pres Prince William St " Board of Trade S J King, Sec Market Square Salmon, Geo Variety King St Sancton, G F Tugboats Office, Water St Salmon & Cameron Photos King St Scammell Bros s.h.i.+p-brokers Water St Scammell, C E, & Co s.h.i.+p chandlers " "
Schofield & Beer Produce Walker's Whf Schofield, Samuel s.h.i.+p owner Office, Prince William St Scott & Binning Dry Goods King St Scott, Geo A Provisions & groceries Prince William St Scott, T A Saloon Charlotte St Seely, A McL Merchant Germain St Seely, D J Comm, etc Water St Sharkey, P & Son Clothiers King St Sharp & Co Dry Goods "
Sharp, Laban L Jeweller "
Sheraton & Skinner Carpets Prince William St Skinner, F S Grocer King St Small & Hatheway Steamboats Office, Dock St Small's Hall Dock St Smith, A Chipman Drugs Market Square Smith, Geo F & Co s.h.i.+p chandlers North Whf Smith, H R Bookseller King St Smith, Wm s.h.i.+p-smith Snider, G E Auctioneer Robertson Place Sparrow, Geo Saloon King St Spence, W A Hay York Point Slip Stafford, Jno W Liquors Ward St Spring Hill Mining Co Coal Office, Water St Starr, R P & W F " Smyth St Steeves Bros Merchants Prince William St Stephens & Figgures Grocers Dock St Stephenson & McGibbon Lumber Office, North Whf Stephenson & McLean Provisions, etc North Whf Stephenson, Robt Boots and shoes Prince William St Stewart, Geo, jr Chemist King St Spencer & Wortman Patent Medicines Church St Stewart, John Grocer Carmarthen St Stewart, Luke s.h.i.+pbroker North wharf Stewart, Robt Toys Germain St Stewart & White Furniture and Auctioneers Prince William St Storey, J K Dry Goods King St Strang, Saml Commission South wharf Street, A L B Wines Princess St Suffren, Geo Jewelry King St Sweeney, John Boots & Shoes Prince William St Swift & Johnson Painters Church St Saunders, James Boots and shoes King St Street, W W Stadacona Ins Co Prince William St
Temperance Hall King St Talbert, A J Dry Goods Dock St Taylor Bros s.h.i.+powners Prince William St Taylor & Dockrill Grocers King St Taylor J M Commission North wharf Tennant, R H B s.h.i.+rt mfr Prince William St Thomas, Geo s.h.i.+pbroker Water St Thomas, Geo E Adjuster " "
Thompson, G F & Sons Paint mfrs Princess St Thompson, Richd Fancy goods Market Square Thomson, Wm & Co s.h.i.+pbrokers Smyth Street Thorne, W H & Co Hardware Canterbury St Thurgar & Russell Liquors North wharf Tippett, A P Manufacturers' agent Water St Toll, James Fisherman Water St Troop & McLauchlan s.h.i.+p chandlers Water St Troop & Son s.h.i.+p owners Water St Trueman, James Grocer South wharf Tufts, Francis Provisions, &c " "
Tufts, H K Boots & shoes Prince William St Tufts, Samuel Grocer Germain St Turnbull & Co Flour, &c Ward St Turnbull, J E Sash factory Main St Turner, James D Oysters Water St Turner, Joshua S Fruit " "
Thompson, Mrs Annie Boarding house Germain St Travers, B Physician Sydney St
Valpey, J H Shoe mfr Prince William St Va.s.sie, Jno & Co Dry Goods whs Canterbury St Vaughan & Donovan Boots & shoes Princess St Vaughan, J R Boots & shoes Prince William St Venning, J H Engraver Germain St Vroom & Arnold s.h.i.+p-brokers Water St
Ward, Wm M Liquors Charlotte St Walker, Jno & Co s.h.i.+p chandlers Walker's wharf Walton, Wm Crockery King St Waterbury, Wm Hardware King St Waterhouse, L H Coal North wharf Watson, A C Fruit Water St Watson, W C s.h.i.+pbroker Nelson St Watson, W H Groceries & liquors King St Watson & Co Books " "
Watts & Turner Dry Goods Market Square Webb, W E Cordage Smyth St Welch, Richd Tailor Germain St Wetzell, R Ice-dealer Prince William St Walsh, M & Son Boots & shoes Reed's Pt Wetmore, C W Broker Prince William St White, G & V S Merchants North wharf White, James E Stock broker Prince William St White, Thos Confectioner Germain St White & Slipp Flour North wharf Wheeler, Miss Boarding Charlotte St White & t.i.tus Flour, etc North Whf Whiting, G H Agent Canterbury St Whiting, W J Flour, etc South Whf Warn, Wm & Son Barbers King St Willis, E, & Co Paper Collar Manufs Canterbury St Willis & Mott "Morning News" " "
Wilson, Gilmour & Co Mantels Prince William St Wilson, J N Liquors Church St Wisdom & Fish Machinery Prince William St Wishart, John Merchant Walker's Whf Wetmore, E J Flock Manuf North St Wills & Rubins s.h.i.+p-smiths Water St Woodworth, J L Agent Mispeck Mills "
Weiscoff, Jacob Liquors Prince William St Walker, Thos Physician Princess St.
Young, Adam Stoves Water St Yeats, A, & Sons Iron Union St
The Story of the Great Fire in St. John, N.B., June 20th, 1877 Part 11
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