The Story of the Great Fire in St. John, N.B., June 20th, 1877 Part 12
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The Odd Fellows and the Fire--Relief Committee at Work--Searching out the Dest.i.tute Brethren--Helping the Sufferers--The Secret Distribution of Aid--List of Donations.
The Society of Oddfellows is a Mutual Relief a.s.sociation, one of the first duties of its members being to search out worthy and distressed brethren, and relieve their necessities. The member who neglects to carry out this n.o.ble principle, violates his obligation. The order has obtained a strong foothold in the city, and many benevolent men have joined it that they might thereby be actively instrumental in doing good to their fellowmen. The brother who suffers, and whose family requires a.s.sistance meets with no obstacle in his way, for a liberal hand almost as unseen as those blessings which come to us disguised, is near, he receives the offerings of his companions, not as charity, but as his due. He is an Oddfellow, and that talismanic word is all sufficient. In _his_ time he had helped many. When his turn comes the same rule is observed. The mode of giving relief is twice blessed. It is done in secret, and without ostentatious parade. No member ever deems his spirit crushed when he takes aid like this to his family. And no widow, however proud, thinks for a moment that she is accepting alms, when her immediate and other wants are supplied from the "Widows' and Orphans'"
Fund. So anxious are the members to have it thoroughly understood that the aid that is given is not that which is known as charity by the outside world, but is the legitimate due of the Oddfellow, that it is expressly laid down, that no member, however well circ.u.mstanced he may be, can refuse the sums which are from time to time placed at his disposal. If he be sick he receives weekly a sick benefit allowance.
This he is bound to take. He may if he choose, it is true, donate it back to any fund he likes, but it is preferred that this should not occur. In addition to money benefits the order provides something else which is more enduring than money, and which cannot be bought at any price. The member is no sooner sick than he finds a warm-hearted brother by his side, eagerly trying to interpret his wants, and perform some little act of kindness that may perhaps a.s.suage his pain for a time. In a hundred ways this excellent society does good. The distressed are relieved, the sick are watched over, and the dead are buried. Where it is necessary, the brethren sit up during the night with the patient, and in a thousand ways the good work goes on.
Up to the present time no calamity has disturbed the prosperity of the Order in the Province. Indeed, on the contrary, its career has been wonderfully successful. The different lodges have grown prosperous, and the two funds, the "Widows' and Orphans'," and the "sick benefit," have for some time had quite a respectable balance at their banker's. These still remain intact, and are held strictly in trust to enable the ends of the society to be carried out when required. The recent fire, of course, destroyed a considerable amount of the property belonging to the organization; but the actual suffering was confined to the private members of the order. Many of these endured great hards.h.i.+ps, and met with reverses of no ordinary kind. Men who had all their lives helped others, now found themselves in a moment dependent on their friends for relief for pressing needs. They had saved nothing from the burning, and some of them who were insured had trusted to offices which went down with the general crash. The result was immediately apparent.
Something had to be done and at once. Their distressed and hara.s.sed members must be relieved. The whole tenets of the order demanded this.
The common humanity which dwells in the hearts of so many members cried out to the afflicted ones, "Your loss is ours; we are ready to divide with you." A meeting of the leading members was had on the 22nd June, at the Oddfellow's Hall, Town of Portland, and steps were taken for the administration of immediate relief. The same spirit which actuated the brethren here seemed to prompt the members abroad to deeds which can never be forgotten while a Lodge or an Encampment exists. The chairman of the meeting, D. D. G. M. Murdoch, on the evening of Friday, announced to the a.s.sembly that the Lodge in Moncton had generously contributed $25, and asked to be drawn on to the extent of one hundred dollars, and Brother White, of Bangor, had forwarded the handsome sum of three hundred dollars, and offered more if needed. Offers of a.s.sistance came from Boston, Chicago and elsewhere. These tidings were received with great joy by the members. They knew now of the sympathy which was felt for them abroad, and their first duty was the organization of an Executive Committee. This was done on motion of Bro. Vradenburgh and one member from each Lodge, and the Encampment were appointed such Committee. These were N. G. McClure, of "Siloam," N. G., Court of "Peerless," N. G., Torrance, of "Beacon," N. G., Hea, of "Pioneer," and Henry Hilyard, chairman of Portland Town Council, of the Encampment, together with Bros. Gilbert Murdoch, and Rev. G. M. W. Carey. A sub-committee was subsequently appointed on the recommendation of Bros.
Vradenburgh and Kilpatrick, whose duties it would be to seek out and report to the Executive Committee any brother they found to be in distress. This Committee was very judiciously selected, and comprised the following gentlemen: R. R. Barnes, James Byers and J. Rubbins, for Beacon Lodge; H. A. Vradenburgh, W. A. Moore, and Alex. Duff, for Peerless Lodge; F. Barnes, Hamon and A. J. Smith, for Siloam Lodge; and John E. Hughes, J. A. Paul, and Jos. Wilson, for Pioneer Lodge. Action was then taken on the telegrams received, and a committee was appointed to attend to the replying of the same, and the transmission of the thanks of the St. John Oddfellows to their brethren in the United States and Canada.
The Executive and sub-Committees held a meeting immediately after the session of the General Body, and the following officers were appointed: D. D. G. M. Gilbert Murdoch, Chairman; R. Radford Barnes, Treasurer; and John E. Hughes, Secretary. The meeting then adjourned, and all future sessions of committee were ordered to take place in Room No. 9, Park Hotel, where the three heads of the Department of Relief would hold daily meetings, receive reports, and supply all a.s.sistance needed by the brethren. The system has worked admirably. The greatest secrecy has been observed, and no one outside of the Committee know even the names of the brethren who are being helped in the hour of need. The greatest care is being exercised in searching out distress, and no one can ever tell the immense amount of good which this society is doing. Relief from Lodges and brethren continue to come in rapidly, and all moneys are deposited in Maclellan & Co.'s banking house, and subject to withdrawal by check.
Up to this time, Aug. 20th, the following sums have been received.--
Moncton, N.B., Prince Albert Lodge $100 00 Bangor, Maine, Oddfellows 400 00 Boston, Ma.s.s, Howard Lodge 100 00 Charlottetown, P. E. I. 250 00 Summerside, P. E. I., Prince Edward Lodge 100 00 Fredericton, N.B., Victoria Lodge 320 00 Ontario, Grand Lodge, per J. B. King 400 00 Cannington, Ontario, Peaceful Hope Lodge 50 00 Pictou, N.S., Eastern Star Lodge 200 00 Memphis, Tenn. 300 00 Chicago, Ill. 500 00 Montreal, Quebec, Mizpah Lodge 50 00 Haverhill, Maine, Mutual Relief Lodge 100 00 Oldtown, Maine, Torratine Lodge 115 00 Dover, Maine, Kineo Lodge 50 00 Brampton, Ontario, Golden Star Lodge 50 00 Portland, Maine, Oddfellows 487 00 Oshawa, Ontario, Corinthian Lodge 50 00 Chicago, Ill., Northern Light Lodge 10 00 Portland, N.B., Peerless Lodge 140 00 Stratford, Ontario, Aaron Lodge 25 00 Granville Ferry, N.S., Guiding Star Lodge 30 00 G.o.derich, Ontario, Huron Lodge 80 00 Spring Hill, N.S., Eureka Lodge 50 00 Pet.i.tcodiac, N.B., E. J. Ritchie 1 00 Woonsocket, R. I., Palestine Encampment 10 00 Lewiston, Maine, Golden Rule Lodge 125 00 Belleville, Ontario, Belleville Lodge 50 00 Stellarton, N.S., Fuller Lodge 50 00 Vale Colliery, N.S., Moore Lodge 50 00 Staynor, Ontario, North Star Lodge 30 00 Eureka, California, Humboldt Lodge 50 00 Toronto, Canada Lodge 50 00 Rhode Island, per J. F. Driscoll 200 00 St. Catharines, Ont., Union Lodge 100 00
Charlottetown, P. E. I., Bedding and Provisions.
Portland, Maine, 4 cases Clothing
Amherst, N S $500 00 Augusta, Me 1000 00 Annapolis, N S 554 00 Accident Ins Co, Canada 200 00 Aberfoyle, Ontario 200 00 Armstrong, Ed (New York) 5 00 Albert Mines, N B 115 00 Ayer, Ontario 200 00 Attleboro', Ma.s.s, Methodist S School 15 00 Arichat, N S 367 00 Boston 5000 00 Boston Felt-roofing Co 100 00 Bank of British North America 2433 33 Bathurst, N B 400 00 Brantford, Ont 1000 00 Brockville, Ont 500 00 Bath, Me 1300 00 Bayside, St Andrews, N B 90 00 Brockville, Midland Counties 200 00 Brookville, N S 5 23 Bell, Mr., Dublin, Ireland 486 67 Boardman, Gorham, New York 100 00 Boynton High School Children, Eastport, Me 2 38 Bangor, Me 7000 00 Beveridge, B. & Sons, Andover, N B 100 00 Bridgetown, N S 393 92 Bridgetown, Me., Congregational Church 14 65 Bowmanville, Ont 300 00 Beder, S, New York 4 00 Bucksport, Me 320 00 Billing, W W, New London, Conn 100 00 Burt & Henshaw, Boston 50 00 Buffalo Board of Trade 332 68 Buffalo School Children 1000 00 Borgan, Capt, s.h.i.+p "Tros" 5 00 Baltimore, Md 541 97 Boston, Theatre Benefit 886 03 Belfast, Me 524 00 Bowman, J L, Brownsville, Penn 25 00 Blanchard, Chas, Truro, N S 10 00 Boyd, John E, Three Rivers, Quebec 10 00 Baird, John, & Co's Employes, Alamonte 13 00 Berlin, Ontario 300 00 Chicago Union Stock Yards 1200 00 Chicago Clearing House 1000 00 Chicago Produce Exchange 1000 00 Chicago Board of Trade 5274 10 Chicago City 10,000 00 Charlottetown, P E I 5000 00 Canning, N S 279 90 Clarke, Dodge & Co, N Y 250 00 Canada Screw Co, Dundas, Ont 200 00 Canada Life Ins Co 500 00 Crerar, Capt W G, Pictou, N S 50 00 Carleton County Council, N B. 1000 00 Clarke, Ontario, Munic.i.p.ality of 400 00 Campbell, J W, Chicago, Ill 50 00 Commercial Union Ins Co 2500 00 Citizen's Hose Co, St Catharines, Ont 200 00 Carmody, Rev Canon, Windsor, N S 10 00 Caton, Judge, Ottawa, Ill 50 00 Campbellton, N B 147 00 Clifton, Ont 300 00 Chatham, N B 700 00 Crain, Marshall, Brunswick, Me 25 00 Chatham, Ont 500 00 Chatham, Ont, Masonic Concert 169 18 Clinton, Me, Masonic Service 53 00 Cornwall, Ont 300 00 Dominion Government 20,000 00 Dorchester, N B 615 00 Digby, N S 700 00 Dalhousie, N B 200 00 Dublin, Lord Mayor of 486 67 Dover, Me 245 75 Detroit, Mich 1000 00 Dominion Organ Co, Bowmanville, Ont 102 00 Dungannon, Ont., Orangemen 29 10 Elliot National Bank, Boston 647 00 Eldon, Ont 500 00 Fredericton, N B 8000 00 Fuller & Fuller, Chicago 50 00 Flanagan, R J, Newcastle, N B 5 00 Fredericton Lime Rock Church 24 00 Fowler J & G, Charlottetown, P E I 100 00 Fox J J, Magdalen Islands, per J V Ellis 25 00 Galt, Ont 500 00 Guelph, Ont 1000 00 Garringe, Wm, Chicago 4 25 Glasgow, Scotland 14,600 00 Grand Rapids "friend" 1 00 Guysborough, N S 121 00 Grace Church, Detroit, Mich 97 42 Gloucester, Ma.s.s 100 00 Grey County Council, Ont 500 00 Galt Churches 674 17 Grant, Capt I I F, Bermuda 5 00 Halifax, N S Bay 1 08 Halifax, N S 10,000 00 Hawson, John Gloucester 5 00 Hallowell 500 00 Hamilton, Ont 13,900 00 Hamilton, C C, Cornwallis, N S 5 00 Harvey N B 15 00 Halifax Garrison 564 71 House of Commons, Ottawa 1000 00 House of Commons Clerks 150 00 Harrington Methodist E C, Me 20 00 Howe Scale Co 250 00 Hillsboro, N B 60 00 Haldimand 200 00 Hartford, Conn 42 00 Imperial Fire Ins Co 2433 33 Johnson, John C, 250 00 International Mines, N S 100 00 Kingston, Ont 1584 00 Knox Church, Hamilton Ont 100 00 Knox Church, Woodstock, N B 185 25 Liverpool, England 14,600 00 London, Ont 5000 00 Lawrence, Ma.s.s 500 00 Liverpool, N S 819 27 Lynn, Ont, Presbyterian Church 20 20 Londonderry, N S 15 00 Lincoln Methodist E Church 5 00 Lincoln, Me 500 00 Louisburg, C B 27 00 Lawrencetown, "from a friend" 10 00 Lewiston, Me 500 00 Meahan, T, Boston 5 00 Moncton, N B 1300 00 Mount Vernon, Iowa, "friend" 1 00 Malden, Ma.s.s Congregational Church, 15 26 Maritime a.s.sociation, New York 6800 00 Manchester, England 3660 00 Magee, Thos, Baie Verte 50 00 Mongaup Valley N Y, per Rev. W Ferrie 33 30 McIntosh, J S, Boston 50 00 McLean, Rev. James, Londonderry, N S 2 00 New York, Providence and Stonington Line 500 00 New York 8500 00 Newcastle and Douglastown, N B 1000 00 North Sydney 400 00 New Haven Chamber of Commerce 823 76 Nutting, G. S. Newton Ma.s.s 1 00 New Glasgow, N S 1000 00 North British and Mercantile Ins Co 2433 33 New Bedford, Ma.s.s 500 00 New York Stock Exchange 772 50 Norwich, Ontario 100 00 Nantucket Women 50 00 Odell, D S, Eastport, Me 10 00 Ottawa Custom House Officials 180 00 Orillia, St James' Church 20 00 Oak Park, Chicago, Ill 100 00 Philadelphia 5500 00 Parrsboro, N S 100 00 Portland, Maine 6000 00 Peterboro', Ontario 3124 00 Palmer & Embury, New York 50 00 Paris, Ontario 600 00 Pictou, N S 1232 46 Port Hope, Ontario 1034 20 Port Latour, N S 68 27 Portsmouth, N.H 697 00 Peel County Council, Ontario 1000 00 Rogers, J H, Boston 100 00 Rice, N W & Co, Boston 100 00 Richibucto, N B 410 00 Rosamond Woollen Co 50 00 Raymond, Percy J, Hebron, Yarmouth 1 00 River John, Pictou Co, N S 381 50 Rogers' Hill, N S 40 36 Sarnia, Ontario 1050 00 St Andrews, N B 650 00 Sayer & Co, Cognac, France 200 00 Sackville, N B 312 58 Smith, Mrs M W, Ipswich, Ma.s.s 25 00 Sherbrooke, Ont 1000 00 St George, N B 200 00 Summerside, P E I 1500 00 St Thomas, Ontario 500 00 San Francisco, "Caledonia Club" 500 00 San Francisco 5600 00 Salem, Ma.s.s 770 00 St Catharines, Ont 500 00 Sargent Ignatius, Machias, Me 25 00 Springhill Mines 200 00 Sternberg, J H, Penn 25 00 Shediac, N B, Amateur Comedy Club 11 00 St Martin's, N B 302 62 St Clements, Annapolis 20 00 Springfield, Ma.s.s, Children 14 00 Storer & Son, Glasgow, Scotland 121 76 St Matthew's Church, Quebec 100 00 Stratford, Ontario 564 00 Sons of Temperance, Detroit, Michigan 300 00 Toronto, Ontario 20,000 00 Truro, N S 2000 00 Todd, Edw & Co, per J & A McMillan 25 00 Trites, J S, Suss.e.x, N B 8 00 Thurlow F, per A C Smith 85 00 t.i.tus, Erastus 25 00 Telegraph Operator, St John 5 00 Thamesville 2 00 Uniacke, R J, Annapolis, N S 36 20 Victoria Munic.i.p.ality, N B 200 00 "Valley City" Lodge I O O F, Dundas, Ontario 105 00 Whitby, Ontario 200 00 Williston, Edward, Newcastle, N B 50 00 Windsor, N S 4287 32 Woodstock, N B 200 00 " " Methodist Church 30 00 W C B & G H F, Custom House, Ottawa 2 00 Weymouth East, N S Congregational Sunday School 20 00 Welland Co, Ontario 600 00 Westmoreland Coal Company, Philadelphia 100 00 Walker, J & Co, Montreal 250 00 Wilkins, Judge, of Nova Scotia 80 00 Wentworth Co, Ontario 1000 00 Waterloo Council 200 00 Walker & Sons, Hiram 200 00 Yarmouth, N S 836 73 York County Council, Ontario 3000 00
W W Turnbull, Esq, St John, $200 G N Vanwart, Esq, Woodstock 100 Daniel Hawkesworth, Esq, Digby 20 B Rosamond, Esq, Almonte, Ont. 50 Messrs. Loch & Co., New York 50 Messrs. James McLaren Nephews, Manchester 100 Stg Messrs. Marshall & Aston, Manchester 50 Stg
James H Moran, Esq, St John, $100 Hon. Isaac Burpee, 100 Thos. Furlong, Esq, 50 Canada Life a.s.surance Co. 500 Thomas Nelson & Son, Edinburgh 50 Stg This last through Dr. Rand, for teachers Clothing from St Andrews Church, Montreal, by Rev. Gavin Lang, value $280 George Sloane, Esq, New York U S C 50 Sent to Thos. Maclellan, Esq, from the Upper Canada Bible Society, the Scriptures to the value of 500 Liberal offers of books were sent to J & A McMillan, to form the nucleus of a public library, from the publis.h.i.+ng houses of Belford Bros, Toronto; Harper & Bros, New York.
I Atwood Barnes, of New Haven, Conn, sends through Gen. Warner 29 Capt. Ezekiel Jones, of Baltimore, sends by Thos S Adams, 50 From Charlotte Co, N B, Bocabec, $41 75, Elmville, Dig'deguash, $21 40, Bay Side, $41 10, Waweig, $16. 120 W & T Spink, Duffin's Creek, Ont, send through Hall & Fairweather 50 Mrs A Robinson, of Fredericton Junction, on behalf of the ladies of that place sends, through Everitt & Butler, a parcel of children's underclothing.
Amherst, N S, Supplies to value of $600 00 Annapolis, N S, Supplies 742 37 "Argus" H M S, by order of Admiral, provisions Adams, Mrs Robt, Fall River, N Y, clothing Alberton, P E I, supplies Andover, N B, provisions Andrews, A A, clothing Avard, Wm, Botsford, N B, pork Boston, Per "Gallatin" 2 cargoes supplies Boston, Per W S MacFarlane, supplies " Per Schr "G. G. Jewett," supplies, clothing, blankets.
Burnham & Morrill, Portland, Me, provisions Barnard, E A & Sons, Calais, Me, provisions Burns & Murray, Halifax, N S, supplies Bridgetown, N S, clothing Bangor, Me, supplies Beals, Thos P, Portland, Me, spring-beds Beer, E & W, Charlottetown, P E I, clothing Boston, Y M C A, supplies Billings & Wetmore, tea Blouchard, Chas, Truro, N S, supplies Bowmanville Ladies, clothing Baird, John & Co, Almonte, clothing Bowmanville, Ontario, 1 case clothing
Chicago Union Stockyards supplies to amount $3000 00 Charlottetown, P E I, supplies and clothing Charlottetown, P E I, ladies, 2 cases clothing c.u.mmings, Wm & Sons, Truro, N S, supplies Calkin, B H, Kentville, N S, clothing Christian Temperance Union, Moncton, N B, three cases clothing Cowdry, E T & Co, Boston, Ma.s.s, supplies County Line, P E I, supplies Christie, Brown & Co, Toronto, supplies Campbellton, N B, supplies Coats, J P, Chicago, clothing Chatham, N B, supplies Cambridge Queen's Co, N B, 47 Blankets Crawford, Jas, & Co, Toronto, supplies
Dorchester, N B supplies Derring, Milliken & Co, Portland, Me, two cases blankets Digby, N S, supplies Darling, Adam, Montreal, supplies Dover, Me, supplies
Ellsworth, Me, ladies seven packages clothing Fredericton, N B, two cases cooked provisions Fredericton, ladies, five cases clothing Fredericton, N B, large quant.i.ties supplies Fletcher & Co, Portland, Me, provisions
Galbraith, Christie & Co, Toronto, supplies
Halifax, N S, 2525 blankets Halifax, N S, large quant.i.ties supplies Halifax, N S, 50 stoves Halifax, N S, ladies' committee, supplies Humphreys, N, Pet.i.tcodiac, N B, supplies Herritt, T, " " supplies Heney, A, New York, supplies Hampton, N B, supplies Hallowell, clothing Harris, J & C, Moncton, supplies Hay, R & Co, Toronto, carload bedsteads Hillsborough, N B, supplies Harvey, N B, supplies Howe Spring Bed Co, New York, 50 beds Jennings & Clay, Halifax, clothing Jones, D F, & Co, Gananoque, Ont, supplies Jodoin & Co, Montreal, 15 stoves Kentville, N S, supplies Lockport, N S, clothing Lewis, J T, & Co, Portland, Me, clothing Lawrencetown, N S, 29 packages clothing Lawrencetown, N S, J W James, clothing Leavitt, F A, Portland, Me, one tent Leath & Gore, Portland, Me, 16 boxes soap Londonderry, N S, supplies Lewis, W N, Boston, one gross liniment Lukeman, John R, Salem, Ma.s.s, supplies Lugsden, J & J, Toronto, 25 straw hats Moncton, N B, supplies Montreal, per Hon P Mitch.e.l.l, 17 carloads supplies Montreal, large quant.i.ty supplies Montreal, 36 packages clothing Milltown, N B, provisions Moss, S H & J, Montreal, 2 cases clothing Malone Bay, clothing McGuiness, P, & Co, Montreal, one bale blankets McLean & Blaikie, Londonderry, N S, supplies New York, supplies Newcastle & Donglastown, N B, supplies North Sydney, cargo of coal New Haven United Workers, clothing Norcross, Miller & Lee, Boston, clothing Ottawa Ladies' Committee, supplies...o...b..ien, James, Montreal, clothing Portland, Maine, large quant.i.ties supplies Primrose & Co, J W M, Halifax, 5 barrels flour Power, J F & Co, Montreal, 50 barrels flour Paul, M L, Syracuse, supplies Pierce, E, and Co, per "Gallatin," furniture Piper, Henry, Toronto, supplies Philadelphia Maritime Exchange, clothing Quebec, supplies Quincy, Ill, 50 barrels meal and 50 barrels flour Riddell, John, Montreal, clothing St. Andrews, N B, supplies Sackville, N B, supplies " " stoves Shaw Bros, St John, N B, bread Scotch Bakery, St John, N B, bread Suss.e.x, N B, 1 carload provisions Smith, Mrs. M W, Ipswich, Ma.s.s, supplies Saratoga, N Y, supplies Salem, Ma.s.s, supplies and clothing Salem, Ma.s.s, "Fraternity," clothing Salem Y M C A, supplies Shediac, N B, supplies Stewart, C J, Amherst, N S, supplies St Clements, Annapolis, N S, supplies Saratoga Springs, N Y, clothing Toronto, Ontario, large quant.i.ty of supplies Toronto Ladies' Committee, quant.i.ty of supplies Tupper, Hon Chas, C B, Toronto, supplies Toronto Coal Mining Co, 250 tons coal Temple, Mrs, Fredericton, N B, clothing True, Geo W, Portland, Me, 5 barrels flour and 5 barrels meal Thompson & Bligh, Halifax, N S, supplies Truro, N S, supplies Thurston, Hall & Co, Cambridgeport, Ma.s.s, 5 bls flour Unitarian Parish, Portsmouth, N H, clothing Upper Canada Furniture Co, Bowmanville, 50 bedsteads Upper Clarence, N S, Supplies Unitarian Society of Dedham, Ma.s.s, supplies Upper Canada Trundle Bed Co, beds Vincent & McFate, St John, shoes and slippers Wetmore Bros, London, Ontario, 20 bls oil Wilson Packing Co, New York, 50 cases beef Woodstock, N B, per Connell & Hay, supplies Woodstock, N B, supplies Wolfville, N S, clothing and supplies Warman Bros, London, Ontario, 20 bls flour Waterman, Bros., London, Out., 20 bls oil Woodc.o.c.k, A, Toronto, supplies Yarmouth, N S, supplies Y. M. C. Union, Boston, 6 cases clothing
The following is a list of persons whose properties were destroyed.
Where the number of houses owned by each is more than one, it is so stated:
Heirs Dougald McLauchlin G Sidney Smith Heirs R L Hazen G W Gerow
Wm Kievenar (2)
Geo Moore Heirs P McMa.n.u.s P McCourt P McDevitt Thos Sheehan Peter Bone Mrs Kievenar Maloney D Rooney J Dunlop J C Brown estate Heirs Chas Brown Margaret S Robertson (6) Mrs Espy
Mrs Ann Leonard Heirs John Ansborough John Allen Wm County Jas Morrow John Donovan Heirs Henry Graham (2) Heirs Thos Daley Heirs Helen O'Leary Thos Hourihan Ed Mullin (2) John Holland Catherine Healy Margaret McCarron Heirs John Bryden
Mrs Mary Ann Carleton W Finn Robert Grace (2) John Lloyd (2) Heirs John Frost Heirs E Lawrence Thos A Rankine Thos A and Alex Rankine John Bellony Thos A Peters (2) Mrs Ann Leonard A G Kearns John Allen J Brittain James Morrow John Ryan Ed Hayes
Heirs Peter Sinclair Thos A and Alex Rankine Michael Burke S R Foster Michael Dineen Heirs Wm Sullivan (2)
John McSweeney (2) John O'Gorman Heirs B Ferguson Johanna R Ritchie Heirs F W Hatheway Heirs Wm Hammond James Dever Heirs John Stanton Henry Melick Heirs John Melick Robt Robertson Heirs Hugh Johnston Thomas Parks (2) Heirs ---- Robertson W F b.u.t.t Otis Small J W & G H Lawrence Trustees Varley School R Grace (2) S J & W D Berton Heirs Elijah Barker D Moynehan Joshua Corkery John Gallivan
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