The Story of the Great Fire in St. John, N.B., June 20th, 1877 Part 13

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Margaret Hare.


Mary Allan Almon.


Heirs of Benjamin Smith.

Wm Carvill.


Eliza Robertson.

John Kirk.

D. J. McLaughlin.

J. Hendrick.

R. P. McGivern.

Heirs of John Duncan.

George F. Smith.

Heirs of D. J. McLaughlin.

J. V. Thurgar.

Hannah A. Bates.

Diocesan Church Society.

Heirs of George Bonsall.


Jane Inches Jos R Stone James Lawton Eliza Robertson John Fitzpatrick B R Lawrence Mrs William Hammond Ed T B Lawton Wm Scovil W H Brown Chas Lawton Heirs of B Smith Heirs of D J McLaughlin Fred Fitzpatrick George Carvill Benj Lawton


Heirs H W Wilson Heirs of Thos Merritt J H Allen Jas Trueman G C Wiggins W Scovil Barbour Bros Heirs T Gilbert G S DeForest H & B S Gilbert J E Masters Heirs I L Bedell J & R Reed Heirs of B Smith (2)


Heirs of B Smith W B Smith G S DeForest Mrs Catherine McNamara M Lawrence John Mitch.e.l.l Gallagher Young Turnbull & Co Heirs of J Walker H & B S Gilbert B R Lawrence Wm Breeze Wm M B Firth (3) William Meneally W T Betts


Hall & Fairweather Heirs John Walker John Wishart W A Robertson


Magee Bros.


Sarah A and Jane Tisdale Wm B Jack W W Turnbull James Harris & Co G Carvill The City (3) Henry Brennan W A Robertson Mrs Louisa Hanford (2) Alex Keith (2) James E Holstead Henry Vaughan Archibald Rowan Bank of New Brunswick Heirs E Stephens (2) Heirs Richard Sands Heirs Andrew Hastings B R Lawrence B S & H Gilbert Allan Brothers James Ferrie Heirs John Walker, (3) Magee Bros Chas Merritt (4) J & R Reed (2) Geo McLeod Heirs Wm McKay Norris Best Heirs G L Lovitt Geo G and Thos Chubb, Thos Furlong Stephen Whittaker Heirs Wm Parks Heirs J M Robinson


Heirs J M Walker Heirs John Wilmot Daniel & Boyd Heirs Thomas Merritt J N McMa.n.u.s J. Melick Richard Thompson


Ed Sears The City (4) Henry McCullough Maritime Bank Heirs John Gillis Mrs. John Kinnear Isaac Burpee Heirs John Ennis Heirs Noah Disbrow Heirs S Nichols (2) John Armstrong L H Vaughan J L Dunn John Anderson J & A McMillan Heirs of J M Walker F A Wiggins Heirs Jane Boyd Bank of Nova Scotia Maria S Bayard A B Barnes Heirs Geo. L. Lovitt Hugh Davidson Nathan Green Susan and Phoebe Purdy Mrs John McIntyre Patrick McArdle Wm Cotter (2) Heirs F Ferguson T F Raymond Thos McAvity Heirs Thomas Pettingill Heirs James Pettingill Heirs Ed Finnegan Robt S Hyke John Foster (2) John McCoskery Moses Lawrence Chas King Geo A Freeze Robt Pengilly Heirs Thomas Reed Heirs Wm McFadden C E Robinson C E Harding Joggins Coal Mining a.s.sociation W H Hatheway Wm Blizzard Heirs Wm McKay Rev Wm Scovil J J Kaye Dominion of Canada (2) Hanford Estate (2) P Morrissey Wm Finn Ann Thomas John Tilton Henry Vaughan and heirs Simonds & Vaughan Ellis & Armstrong Chas Merritt (3) Charlotte Gibbons Bank of New Brunswick Heirs H Chubb (4) Heirs Ambrose Perkins Heirs Wm Major Heirs J M Walker Rich S & J S Boes DeVeber Jessie H Nickerson Alex Jardine Heirs Richard Sands John Hegan Heirs John Hastings Robt Douglas Heirs Benjamin Longmuir Daniel & Boyd


W G Lawton John Va.s.sie A G Bowes Jas O'Connor Heirs W H Owens Sarah Owens A R Wetmore Jas Walker Willis & Mott North British and Mercantile Insurance Co Thos R Jones (3) Geo V Nowlin Geo. Moore Heirs D J McLaughlin


Heirs John Ward (2) Heirs W Tisdale Jas E White Rector and Wardens Trinity Church John A Anderson D J McLaughlin, Jr (2) Ed Sears (2) Trustees Wesleyan Methodist Church (2) Trustees St John Grammar School (2) Trustees St Andrew's Kirk Victoria Hotel Otis Small and Moses Lawrence Heirs Edwin Bayard H R Ranney John McMillan (2) Heirs Robertson Bayard Heirs Sam'l Seeds (3) Trustees Home for the Aged Trustees Germain Street Baptist Church (2) John Harding (2) John Chaloner Mrs Duncan Robertson Heirs Wm Hammond (3) Wm Thomas W C Perley Chas Phillips Heirs G E S Keator Jas Miller (2) Caleb Larkins Heirs Donald Cameron Wm J Stevens Heirs Alex Balloch Mrs Samuel Seeds J W Climo Chas R Ray J R Ruel Mrs H Johnston Heirs Thos Parks (2) Heirs Ed Ketchum Heirs Lachlan Donaldson (2) Wm Bayard Alex Sime Jos Bullock Jas Lawton Wm Davidson Academy of Music Co Wm Breeze J C Hatheway Geo V Nowlin (3) Heirs Dan Leavitt James H Peters (4) Trustees Mrs Alexander Robt Robertson Heirs D J McLaughlin S K Foster (3)


Chas Merritt John Holden James Vernon Dr L McLaren Dr John Berryman Mary L Wheeler P Doherty James Mason Mrs T Coughlan S Corbitt S Hayward Mary A and heirs Samuel Crawford Eliza Chapman Johannah Dacey and heirs Timothy Dacey Thos Welly John Farren Heirs Benj Longmuir Heirs Francis McAvenney Heirs Wm Potts C E Harding Pugsley, Crawford & Pugsley Wm Breeze R P McGivern Jas Vernon Agnes Stewart (2 houses) John Marvin S Smith John Watson Charlotte Stevens T McAvity (2) W McDermott Alexander and heirs R Jardine Maritime Sewing Machine Co A McDermott J Fisher, Sr J McGivern Dominion of Canada John Sandall J D McAvity H Duffell Mary and heirs Peter Fleming (2) M Flood Kate Mulherrin H Maxwell (3) Wm White W H Harrison John Fielders Wm McAuley Jane Murray Eliza McLaughlin Louisa Hanford John D Devoe (3) Nancy Hazen Ann D Thompson James Williams Wm Davidson Mary Earley Mrs Fred James P Besnard Sr Geo Stockford John Lawson John Nugent D Mullin Rev A Wood James H Pullen John Berryman Sr (3) J O Miller Jas Langell Corporation Trinity Church (3) G Prescott (3) J Guthrie and B Hevenor G Williams J D Gaynor (2) John Winters (2)


Dr Travers W J B Marter (2) T C Humbert John McBrine Roman Catholic Bishop (3) Geo V Nowlin (2) Ed McAleer E Kinsman Trustees Reformed Presbyterian Church W S Marvin William Davidson John Anderson Susan Dobson William Meneally George J Coster R Gregory M Flood J R Armstrong Wm Wedderburn N Best H Thomas John Murray J Knox Wm Burns (2) Robt McKay E M S Stewart (3) Wm Va.s.sie T W Peters E L Perkins R Rolston Sarah McRory John Carney Alex Kearns Ellen Mooney Coldwell Howard Jas Lemon Sarah Taylor Elizabeth Robbins (2) J D Vanwart Ann Wane (2) Dominion of Canada John McAnulty Alex McDermott Mary Clark and heirs John Clark C Longstroth R W Crookshanks E L Perkins Chas Hillan S K F James Margt Maloney W Morrison M McAleer (2) S J Lauckner J Milligan (2) John Gray Trustees St David's Church E Richey Rebecca Schoular and heirs David Marshall L S Currie James Vernon (2) Wm B Aitkin Robt McIntyre & Co J L Taylor D J Laughlan Henry Jack


J H Pullen Mrs W McKay (2) P Besnard (2) John Lowe (2) Ellen McAvenney John Nugent (2) Sophia McLean Mary Durant Thos Bedell Catherine Noyes M Perry Knox & Thompson W Breeze


R Carleton Mary Donahey Sarah Gillis (2) John Wilson (2) Mary Richard Neil Morrison Geo Henderson James O'Connor (3) Wm McDermott (2) Heirs J W Young (2)

The Story of the Great Fire in St. John, N.B., June 20th, 1877 Part 13

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The Story of the Great Fire in St. John, N.B., June 20th, 1877 Part 13 summary

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