The Story of the Great Fire in St. John, N.B., June 20th, 1877 Part 14
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Joseph Sulis Louisa Donald Mrs Emma Allison A L Palmer Moses Lawrence (2) R Leonard Chas S Taylor S G Blizard
T W Peters (2) R Gaskin H Aldbone John Kee (2) James Gilmour James Ritchey John Ritchie James Sterling (2) John Wishart Margaret Suffren E Woodley John McCaffery Robert Wetsell
Ann Cronin Elizabeth and Samuel Gardner Heirs Aaron Eaton (3) H A Austin George E King Charles Barnes Mary A Ward E E Lockhart James Adams (3) J D Lorimer Samuel Ferguson (2) Geo P Johnston (3) Hugh Bell Catherine Bonnell James Hill (2) W D Carron James Muldoon Gas Light Co.
Trustees Methodist Church Trustees Orphan Asylum Margaret O'Neil (2) James McKinney James Crockford Mary Ann Pointer Daniel Smith John Kirk (2) Samuel Dunham (two) Alex Steen S Scribner Daniel Doyle Mary Doyle John Kirkpatrick -- Smith H S Normansell Jane Carson Catherine Nagle R Evans John Richey Thomas Rankine Thomas Doyle John Wilson Chas McLean J Henderson H Henderson Rev J R Narraway Andrew Kenney L H Waterhouse Wm Nixon D Driscoll R Wetsell George Sparrow & J S Richardson Wm Finley
E E Lockhart Thos Dobson G Sparrow George Blatch C Sparrow (2) J W Fleming H Whiteside John Fitzpatrick H Coffey M Barnes C Flaherty C E Sulis B P Price (3) James Moulson (2) John A Anderson B McDermott R B Emerson J T Barnes George Doherty (2) C Cathers (2) Alex Steen William Hill (2) Knox and Thompson (4) John Carr
John E Turnbull (4) John Woodley J G Jordan A Steen (2) J Tole James...o...b..ien Wm Bowden Wm c.o.xetter & Michael Tucker T M Reed Sarah L Collins (2) D McDermott P Vanhorn James Mahoney (3) James Moulson Jane Halcrow L Markie G J Sulis (2) Wm Lewis J & R Magee J W Nicholson G R Bent (2) A L Rawlins D Knight F Mahoney Ed Thurmott Wm McKinney Archibald Dibblee George Thomas John Guthrie Mary Ann Ratcliff James McKinney O V Troop Rector and Wardens St James' Church C Langstroth Andrew Armstrong
Sarah McFadden Jane Barbour John Collins John Scott H Spears Thos Miller Thos McCullough Thos Crozier Jas Price Wm J Colson P McGonagle C Larkins H W Purdy E Murray Heirs D Hatfield Jas McAvity Wm Furlong John Abbott John Bartlett Albert Peters Mrs O'Keefe Geo Garraty B c.o.xetter E Thompson Margaret McPartland F Stewart D Jordan (2) Wm Ennis Jas Nicholson Robt Barbour Albert Betts W H Purdy C Merritt (3) Geo W Belyea J Jardine Jas Gorman J Moore (2) Lawrence McMann (2) J Packthall F M Hanc.o.c.k C J Ward Mrs Jas Bell W H Hatheway John Hutchinson Peter Besnard, Sr (3) R Johnston (2) J Hayes Neil Hoyt N Carroll M Barnes Heirs L H DeVeber (2) F Pheasant A Doyle R Dalton W J Pratt D Robinson W A Magee S McGarvey Bridget Murphy Thos Bisset Bridget Farren J George Ed Duffy J E Turnbull (2) E Thompson (2) John Moran (2) John Crowley W H Quinn (3) F S Williams (2) John Wishart D J Schurman Mary McCurdy H Maxwell S G Blizard Thos Robinson
O Cline R Cline J Kemp John Bridges W I Whiting J McLarren E Thompson Patk McMa.n.u.s Wm Leahy S Rutherford John Doody John Sherrard John Knowles John Sears (3) C Cain Wm Furlong (2) Bridget Murphy John Watson Thomas Viall Geo Young Jas Ellis E L Perkins (2) Wm Simpson Alice McKean P McGonagal M Burk Mrs Thos Hanlon Samuel Fisher Eliza Wilson John Wilson, jr J & A Campbell D Sullivan R Holmes C Moriarty John Runciman Robt J Caldwell W Casey School Trustees Rev William Scovil John Fisher John Cain Rev Wm Scovil and Trustees of Wiggins' Orphan Asylum J Drake Wm Duffell Thos White Thos Pike F P Robinson John Winters Jas Price Wm Gilfillan Jane White (2) Wm Russell Mrs David Millar Heirs Thos King P Condon Jos Akroyd David Stewart Patrick Ferrie Chas...o...b..rn Elizabeth Spence Rev M Ritchey Thos Kedey Wm Lewis (3) M Flood John Wishart John S Mullin John Littler Heirs Daniel Hatfield Heirs F Dibblee Purdy heirs B c.o.xetter T G Merritt Heirs R Sands Caleb Larkins T F Raymond Mrs Francis Clementson D J Schurman Thos Littlejohn Chas Sinclair John Callaghan T M Reed
Silas H Brown Henry Lawlor James c.u.mmings F Jordan Rebecca Fisher Ed K Fisher D S Robinson James Hewitt C Lawton (2)
Gilbert estate Matthew Thompson (2) James Carr E Vanhorn James Brown Heirs Geo McKelvie (2) John A Anderson R Robertson Margaret Hennigar Joseph Kimpson Ferguson & Rankine (2) Y M C a.s.sociation M McVane (2) Robert Cunniff John Kirk Alex Harvey Jane Wa.s.son Mrs. P. Riley J H Anthony John McCabe (2) John Woodburn C O'Keefe Richd McCluskey John Fisher A McDermott Purves & Moore J Drake E Magee John Porter Rector and Wardens St James' Church Stephen & James Oakes S Dunham Mary Ann Pointer Catherine O'Neal (2) Daniel Smith Joseph McCullough McKelvey heirs Trustees Methodist Church David Dodge Elizabeth Nixon Lewis Wheaton Geo Anning Joseph Sulis Jas Vanhorn
Thos Furlong Isaac Woodward John Boyd Geo B Cus.h.i.+ng R Cruikshanks A L Palmer Jas Manson (2) W B Smith John Horn J W Barnes D Robertson (2) Mrs Charles Brown and heirs of Chas Brown John Stewart F. Tufts John Tucker H. Jack E. L. Jewett.
John Foster R Longmaid Thos P Davies H. Hawkins Jessie Day Mrs Alex Dalsell J H Harding J U Thomas Joseph Sulis Geo Riley and heirs Robt Riley (2) J O'Connell Wm Davis and heirs John McNichol Mary Bersay John R McFarlane James McCart (2) Ed Edson Mrs Jane McPherson Heirs John Thomas Hugh Kelly S Benterell John Hamilton Margaret Homer Heirs John Roberts Geo S Fisher Robt Turner John McBrine (2) R Ca.s.sidy (2) Thos Jordan D. S. Kerr John Pettingill C Flood (2) Geo Suffren Chas E Raymond John Fitzpatrick James Gallagher Geo J. Nixon A. Quick Heirs R Bayard R J Leonard G F Soley (2) Alex Steen Hugh Carswell Mrs John Millidge H S Normansell Heirs John Whitne John Wilson, jr John Wilson (2) Margaret and heirs Joseph Hanley (2) Thos Doyle Andrew Evans Robt Marshall Wm Black F M Hanc.o.c.k Alex McKelvy Wm Pike (2) Heirs D J McLaughlin J McFarlane Thomas McAvity, jr Robt Hickson M Francis D Brown Mary Crothers and heirs John Crothers Ann Thomas Andrew Keohan Mary Williams John Scallon (2) Simon Leonard
Jas Hutchinson and heirs Jos Stevenson (2) Richard Longmaid H Vaughan John Va.s.sie Chas Maclean Heirs James Whitney Margaret Hillman C McIver Chas Whitney John Dyers Mary Dockrill W M Jordan Jas Emerson Jas McNicholl Heirs Joseph Atkins Mary Ann McLean F L Lewin T W Seeds Benj Dodge John Ennis John d.i.c.k James Woodstock Phoebe Bookhout Martin Burns Edward Purchase Thos Dobson Ann Atkins Jas Knox Francis Gallagher Mathew Steen Wm Causey Geo V Nowlin Andrew Armstrong W McVay Wm McKeel Heirs Aaron Eaton John Magee William Magee J. W Nicholson J R Armstrong
P McArdle Peter Flannigan Mrs Francis Ferguson (2) Joseph Bell John McSorley (3) Heirs R Bayard (2) A Blain Peter Besnard (3) Mrs Livingstone Mrs W Fraser John Marven S Tufts J Shannon O Bailey Trustees Madras School Seely & Besnard R W Crookshank Susan Stephenson B Brennan (2) Robt Thomson (2) Samuel Gardner Andrew Gilmour R Robertson, jr S K Brundage Joseph Henderson H Henderson Wm H Randall Wm McBay J Wilkins, sen J Wilkins, jr Wm Francis James Adams Mrs Gilchrist James Saunders Wm Whitney Sarah Partelow Ed Purchase (2) Robt S Jones Geo Sparrow Mary Ann McLean (2) M Morrison Charlotte Jones Michael Burns P Bushfan William Wright Heirs William Melody Margaret Hartness E Burnside Howard D. Troop John Marven John Cook James Adams Sarah Ferguson Heirs Edward Brundage (2) W Stephens Jacob Seely Trustees Christian Church John Wishart L A Waterhouse James Milligan Sarah Jane Ferguson George A Thompson John Richards W F b.u.t.t Arthur Daniel (2) Heirs Daniel Culbert James Vernon Mrs. Earley Sarah Gillis J. O'Connell Peter Dearness Heirs Michael McGuirk (2) Ann Jane Ritchie Geo Stockford Caroline Wood Hugh Davidson Susan Chittick (2) J & R Reed
Wm Meneally John Smith Andrew Gray M. Hennigar (2) Andrew Kinney (2) Jas Adams W R MacKenzie D G MacKenzie W E Vroom G E King H D Troop C W Weldon A C Smith R R Sneden E J Barteaux Joseph Prichard (4) Jane Cook James McLean Catherine Allen Thomas Johnston Henry Lawlor B Murphy James E Whittaker J R Woodburn Z G Gabel James Estey Charles Drury Emma J Daley John Sweeney J W Hall G McLeod J A Venning R Blair Margaret Sinnott Heirs R McAfee Heirs Wm Bailey James Morrison Heirs P Williams
Alexander Barnhill W J Ritchie E Thompson Patrick Bradley J C Hatheway E Sears P Fitzpatrick Wm Burtis A Buist Jas Hunter Knox & Thompson John Burk J H Lee, Thos Rogers John Anderson (2) John Murphy B Bustin G Bent Margaret Hunter John Nugent Mary Craig James H Bartlett Mrs David Miller Thos Miller James Bustin Fred Dorman O Doherty Adam Young C E Robinson John Healey John Gardner Mrs Mary A & E E Lockhart (2) Heirs of Geo A Lockhart R W Thorne H Williams W Sandall Robert McAndrews James Robinson Susan and heirs J Johnston Ann Hamilton and heirs Clara Dean William Fogg Mary Ann Ellsworth J V Troop Simeon Jones Alex Lockhart Trustees Centenary Church (2) Heirs John Mason Heirs Thomas P Williams W C Drury J A G.o.dsoe D W Scammell G Henderson A W Whitney T D Wilson Mrs Ellen Smith John Doherty Trustees J S Turner Thomas Bustin P Halpin B Paterson Barbara Clark W C G.o.dsoe James Trueman Ed Willis Joseph Miller Robert Law Geo Thomas Judge Watters Benj Lowe H A Hatheway (2) Harriet Trueman W Walton Geo Mathews (2) S A Dixon E M Merritt Michael Thompson (2) Rev Alex McL Stavely H S Gregory Helen York and Captain Thos York John Anderson Jas Sullivan Geo F Thompson J J Munro J E Ganong T G Merritt Jane Woods John Burke Mrs Jas Drake G C Wiggins W H Hayward M. N Powers Catherine and heirs Michael Donnelly F A Wiggins Rev Mr McCarty Trustees James Leitch Charles Patton
F Ca.s.sidy James Milligan Lydia Gardner (2) Joseph Edgar Mrs Wallace Mrs Samuel Bustin Trustees of Baptist Church Jane Rutherford H L Francis Mary Murray Francis McDevitt Trustees Varley School Mrs E Lunt and heirs Jos Lunt A W Masters Silas H Brown James Sullivan Mrs Lydia J Calhoun Joseph Reed W H & D Hayward A H Eaton John Corr S K Foster John Gallagher Dennis Sullivan Heirs Wm Bailey Francis Hewitt (2) John Roop (2) Geo W Masters G V Nowlin Chas H Dearborn G Merritt Gilbert Murdoch T C Humbert John McBrine (2)
G A Knodell M Thompson Geo Pattison Thos S Wetmore James H Peters Mrs Jane Disbrow Ellen Mahoney Ed Maher A Bowes R T Clinch and heirs E Barlow
C M Bostwick C Merritt Trustees Irish Friendly Society Heirs B Ansley R Milligan C A Robertson
Mrs John Gillis Heirs John Gillis James Manson R T Clinch and heirs E Barlow D J McLaughlin and heirs Daniel McLaughlin S E Whittaker James E Whittaker Geo A Barker Mrs Geo Taylor John Dougherty Heirs Wm Melick Mrs John Hay John Fisher Wm Kennedy Corporation of Trinity Church Thos H Hall (2) Samuel Schofield Thomas Seely Ann Howe John Mitch.e.l.l Mary Piddler Wm Peters Heirs H Chubb Joseph Nichols James R Ruel & Robert Light Mrs Chas C Macdonald (3) Jos W Hall (2) W H Scovil R T Clinch and heirs E Barlow
The Story of the Great Fire in St. John, N.B., June 20th, 1877 Part 14
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